How Top Fad Diets Are Contributing to Our Obesity
Forget about eating fast food and only blaming obesity on the extra large french fries and other unhealthy, greasy, fat-laden foods.
Top fad diets are just as bad for you, and they fool and trick people into jumping in and out of them over and over! Almost everyone has either been concerned about or have had trouble controlling their weight at one time or another; obviously a major contributor is the amount of processed food compared to many years ago.
Over a hundred million people put forth great effort to lose weight each year, many or them on popular fad diets, and about 95% of them gain all the weight back and then some, a mere 5 years after.
Why is that? It's because they haven't made a commitment to good, healthy eating habits mixed with at least a little activity.
Instead they rely on a quick fix diet fad to get them through and find out later it's too hard to control the weight.
If you've fallen into this trap, don't feel bad, most of us all have, too.
Anything that's quick and seems to good to be true, usually is.
The same goes with fad diets.
I'll never forget how happy I was on the Atkins diet in my late twenties until two weeks after while I was working out at the gym; because of carb depletion, I was struggling not to faint after a simple set of dumbell curls.
I soon realized how much of a dangerous situation I had placed myself in, and I abandoned the whole fad diet.
In the end I lost 9 pounds, then two weeks later, I had already gained 6 lbs.
And to think..
I risked my life doing it!
Top fad diets are just as bad for you, and they fool and trick people into jumping in and out of them over and over! Almost everyone has either been concerned about or have had trouble controlling their weight at one time or another; obviously a major contributor is the amount of processed food compared to many years ago.
Over a hundred million people put forth great effort to lose weight each year, many or them on popular fad diets, and about 95% of them gain all the weight back and then some, a mere 5 years after.
Why is that? It's because they haven't made a commitment to good, healthy eating habits mixed with at least a little activity.
Instead they rely on a quick fix diet fad to get them through and find out later it's too hard to control the weight.
If you've fallen into this trap, don't feel bad, most of us all have, too.
Anything that's quick and seems to good to be true, usually is.
The same goes with fad diets.
I'll never forget how happy I was on the Atkins diet in my late twenties until two weeks after while I was working out at the gym; because of carb depletion, I was struggling not to faint after a simple set of dumbell curls.
I soon realized how much of a dangerous situation I had placed myself in, and I abandoned the whole fad diet.
In the end I lost 9 pounds, then two weeks later, I had already gained 6 lbs.
And to think..
I risked my life doing it!