Mouse Trapping Tips
- You should place twice as many traps in your home and surrounding areas than you have mice. If you have seen one mouse, then you should have at least two traps. Place the traps in groups of at least two or three so that if the first trap does not get them, the second one will. Traps should be placed close to baseboards and about 10 feet apart because this is the line that mice usually follow when they are running around. You should also place traps in the areas where you see the most activity, for example behind furniture and in corners. If you have a high infestation of mice, you should place traps within inches of each other because mice will often try to jump over traps.
- Use multiple types of traps in order to catch the mice. Live traps are not the best choices but. if you use them. be sure to release the rodents far away from structures. Snap traps are the best traps to control your mouse population. Try Super Gluing the bait, such as sunflower seeds, crackers and potato chips directly to the traps so that the mice will not steal the bait without setting the trap. You can place poison in areas where there is mouse activity, but the mice may climb into the walls and die. If this occurs you will have to clean out these areas or hire a professional to come in and remove the carcasses.
- Use talcum powder in areas where you suspect activity. You can check in the morning to see if there are footprints in the powder and even follow the path of the footprints to find where the mice are coming in. Most mice are caught the first night, so be sure to put out lots of traps the first night. After three or four days, you should gather up your traps and wait a week and try again. Mice are smart and will begin to avoid the area if there are traps set up for too long.