Jagatguru Kripalu Parishad, A hope for humanity
Jagadguru Shree Kripaluji Maharaj is the supreme jagadguru of modern age and his divine inspiration founded the nonprofit, religious, educational and charitable organization called "Jagadguru Kripalu Parishat", which has five main ashrams; four in India, and one in the U.S. Jagadguru shri Kripaluji Maharaj is the firm devotee of Radhakrishna. His gracious presence instills the devotees with divine calmness and they become unified with the supreme soul. The ashrams organize the programs on knowledge and enlightenment to take the devotees towards the path of self realization and unification with supreme God. Jagadguru Maharaj himself guides his disciples on the path of devotion. He sometimes himself is lost in the trance of Radha krishna love.
In addition to its duty on the path of devotion to God, the organization never forgets its responsibility for society and its well being. It feeds thousands of poor people and distributes clothes and other necessary belongings to them through different social welfare events. The charitable works by this organization has a long list and thousands of needy people have been benefitted through the honest and pious welfare efforts of this organization. It is progressing on the path of its duty and working hard to alleviate the pain of poor and needy people so that they can stand at par with the other capable sections of society and make our nation stronger.
Jagatguru Kripalu Parishat is dedicated to alleviate the pains of people by doing many charitable acts. This organization organizes medical camps for the poor and needy people who can't afford their treatment. It has also pioneered in establishing schools and colleges that provide quality education to children who are not able to go to costly educational institutes. Jagatguru Kripalu Parishat organization is centered on the welfare of people.