5 Strategies to Monetize Your Twitter Traffic
The number of users registered is constantly increasing along with the usage as well.
More people are signing up and more people are tweeting at the same time as the number of users goes up.
People are not always making as much money as they possibly could using Twitter but it is proving to be an incredibly viable method to do so on the rapidly changing internet.
One of the ways to make money using Twitter is through purchasing keywords.
A way that this could work is by selling a specific word.
If this worked functionally, the individual who purchased them could target those who have an interest in the product.
The advertiser can keep these individuals in mind in order to try to target products or services at them later on.
Another purpose of this would be to get the word to automatically turn into a link.
Doing this would allow the link to have a target of the advertiser's choice of a web page.
Another option is to place search ads in Twitter in its own search database.
This would allow advertisers to place ads in searches that would apply to the search itself.
Ads are only successful if they are placed relevantly.
You don't want to have ads about alcohol for example placed on a search for children's juice boxes.
These are opposites and getting successful interest will not work out very well if the ads are not placed strategically.
A third option is to have subscriptions allowable through the service.
This could function by allowing advertisers to invite you to follow them.
Advertisers could be able to see if you are in their target demographic.
Then they could do something as simple as sending a quick message that is the length of a tweet inviting them to follow them or to try their products.
There could be an option for people to turn these possible invitations off if they are worried about receiving too many of them from potential advertisers to the level of potentially being spam worthy.
Fourth, if they want to turn Twitter into a revenue based service they could try charging individuals who have high profile or traffic accounts.
An example would be to charge someone if they desire to have a certain number of followers beyond a lower threshold.
Another is to charge people who don't want to be subjected to the ads.
A monthy or yearly fee could prevent some of the users from having to see ads, whether relevant to them or not.
Last, but certainly not least, is to try to target ads based on what someone is tweeting.
This analyzes the words that someone is tweeting and generates ads and products based on which ones are most frequently used.
Individuals who use certain brand names or keywords would be the most appealing to these individuals.
Twitter is the social media place to be and just like every other service, it is subject to change.
Monetizing is one of the possibilities as time goes on.