Effective Steps To Get Her Back In Your Life
Instead of pining away like a love lost school boy, why not put some thought and action into winning her back. Take some time to rethink the relationship so you can work on what when wrong and during this time cut off communication for a while to give her a chance to perhaps come to some of the same conclusions as you can be pretty certain she may be going through some of the same thought processes which will make these steps all that much easier for you.
At first it will seem strange not to clue her in or contact her filling her in on what you are thinking or doing, however if there is some mystery involved it will cause her to start wondering what you are up to. It has been said "you never miss your water until your well runs dry" so now is the time to test the theory.
Giving her time to miss your presence or think of ways to rekindle the love you once shared is paramount to spending time apart. During this time you can both find ways to heal emotionally. Allow yourself to do some soul searching which should center and ground you being ready to start anew in the relationship. As you come to this necessary state of healing you'll present to her a more matured person able to think the relationship through and not a clingy boyfriend unable to think on his own two feet. During your time away from her don't be afraid to do some healthy flirting with others as it will keep your skills of light weight conversation honed.
Following this advice may seem as though it is going against the grain of your goal of getting her back. If she happens to see your talking and flirting with someone else it may awaken a spark in her that make her determined to get you back.
She may feel compelled to know where your confidence stems from and why you are using it on someone else and not her. Often just appearing aloof can cause attraction in your girlfriend that makes her determined to know what is on your heart. Your new found confidence will appeal to her instead of a sad sack who sits around moaning and complaining to everyone within ear shot.
Appeal to her senses by looking your best and presenting a carefree attitude to the casual observer. Resistance on her part will be futile. She sees you looking better than she remembers and she will want to know "why". Following just some of these simple but effective steps should start you on the path to winning back your Ex.