Love Is A Tree In The Garden Of Life
Love is a tree in the garden of life and sitting on the tree I perform my duties.
Looking to the open sky I forget my sorrows,worries,anxieties and grief.
Moving from one branch to the other branch I find peace and bliss.
Eating the fruits of the tree I gather courage and confidence to face the challenges of life.
IÂ become rejuvenated and refreshed and all the time feel young,vibrant and dynamic.
Enjoying the flowers of the tree I find peace amidst intense activities.
IÂ serve all my customers with love and smiles and delight them by my thoughts,words and deeds.
All my transactions become pure and perfect and giving my best to my organization and family I rest in peace.
IÂ feel serene and still merging in love and imbibe it in each cell of my body.
All my energies become active and I serve all my customers with a happy mind.
The gentle wind of the tree takes away my worries and anxieties and intelligently I manage all the situations of life.
The tree helps me to move on the success ladder giving all strength to my brain,body and mind.
Sitting on the tree I welcome all my customers and my anger and irritation vanish.
The wind of love enter my brain,body and mind and the tired nerves become alert and active.
The dejected nerves become rejuvenated and refreshed envisioning the future to be bright.
My mind becomes serene and tranquil and I spontaneously carry out all my duties.
On the tree of love I am born from my parents and playing on the tree I have passed my childhood,youth and adolescence.
Now the tree helps me with loving memories of all those days.
Under the shade of the tree I hope for the brighter days ahead.
Resting on the tree I forget my age and all the time feeling young I move toward success.
My tears and smiles are absorbed by the tree and the tree becomes my friend,philosopher and guide giving me courage and confidence.
When I feel tired and dejected the tree becomes extremely silent.
By the sympathetic nature of the tree I melt.
Communicating with the tree with utmost silence on the path of life IÂ progress.
The tree has given shelter to my brothers,sisters and my parents.
It is now pouring all its love on me at my advanced age.
It has seen all my struggles and experienced my crisis moments.
It wants to make all the days beautiful and keep me alert and active till my last breath.
Knowing the importance of love in life I love the tree to the best possible extent.
IÂ learn from the tree how to love and how to communicate.
Love becomes my constant companion in this world of chaos,conflicts and unrest.
Due to the love of the tree I become able to work with zeal and zest.
IÂ do all my works with perfection and beauty developing on the tree a tremendous faith.
IÂ never become restless and agitated due to the wind of grace.
The tree tells me that life is a moving and not a resting till the last breath.
Because of love of the tree I enjoy an inner silence and look to the world with all smiles on my face.
Merging in the beauties of the nature,looking to the setting sun and listening to the songs of the birds I return to my cottage.
Entering in to the cottage I give love to my family members in all earnestness.
There arises no trace of anger and irritation even in the moments of disgrace.
The tree of love has taught me that to succeed in life one should have enoromous patience.
Under the stars filled sky with the full moon I look to the tree of love with graceful eyes.
IÂ mark a constant flow of love from the tree entering my brain,body and mind.
Feeling the touch of love all the time I become afresh and alive.
Because of the tree of love I have been able to overcome the challenges of life.
IÂ dream the tree in the silence of the night.
My hopes and dreams have become fruits on the tree.
Eating the fruits I am serving my family,organization and society.
Sitting on the tree I am singing the songs of the Almighty.
Waking up in the dawn I feel myself on the tree of love.
Forgetting my morning laziness I become alive and afresh.
Bathing in the sunrays and listening to the birds I forget the unrest.
Joining the battle as a strong warrior I prove myself and merge in the divine grace,
Getting the blessings of the Almighty I care not the challenges.
IÂ fight the battle of life with courage and confidence.
Fulfilling my hopes and dreams on the tree of love I take a decent rest.
The tree of love will nourish me till my last breath making my each moment pure and perfect.
One day I will perish in the tree of love.
But the tree will be there spreading its message in the entire globe.
Embracing the tree I try to distribute love to all to have a life of joy and happiness.
IÂ want to see the global village to be a heavenly place by striving hard with zeal and zest.