Federal Judicial Code of Conduct
- The Code requires judges to uphold high standards of integrity and independence. Commentary on the Code states that upholding these standards instills public confidence in the judicial branch.
- Judges are required to avoid impropriety or the appearance of impropriety. This prohibits a judge being influenced by family, social, political, financial or other relationships. A judge cannot lend his support to something to advance private interests.
- A judge must perform his duties fairly, impartially and diligently. He is required to make the business of the court his priority and avoid making improper public statements regarding cases before the court. The Code requires a judge to recuse himself if a reasonable person could question the judge's impartiality in a case before him.
- Under the Code, judges are permitted to engage in extrajudicial activities if they do not interfere with the judge's obligations to the court or reflect on the judge's impartiality. Permitted activities include law-related speeches, civic participation or consultation for an executive or legislative agency. Political activity is expressly prohibited.