How to Mount a Truck Camper on a Ford Truck
- 1). Remove your tailgate before you start, using the ratchet set. The tailgate is attached with two bolts on each side, and can be pulled off, once the bolts are removed. Make sure your camper is jacked up at least 3 inches higher than your pickup's bed. You want to avoid bumping the camper, as this can cause it to sway, and possibly tip. Remove anything from underneath the camper before you continue.
- 2). Pull your truck up in front of the camper, lining up the middle of the truck bed with the middle of the camper, and slowly back up. It helps to watch the driver's side wheel well's distance from the camper, and try to keep 1 or 2 inches distance. You may have to pull out and recenter your vehicle a couple times before you're comfortable with the alignment. Stop the truck when the front of the camper touches the back of the truck's cab. Put the truck in "Park," engage the parking brake, and get out.
- 3). Slowly lower each jack a few inches at a time, beginning in the rear, until the camper lies in the truck bed and the jacks no longer are holding it up. Completely retract the jacks.
- 4). Begin in the front of the truck, and secure the hooks on the turnbuckle to the hole in the tie-down and the eyelet on the camper. Twist to tighten the turnbuckle as tight as possible, and move on to the next tie down. Once all turnbuckles are in place, go back and retighten each one, to ensure the strongest connection possible. Plug in your wire harness, and drive away slowly to get used to the feel of having a heavy camper on your pickup.