Common Writing Errors - My Top 3 Pet Peeves
See how many you can find.
The answers are at the end.
No cheating!) Irregardless of whether or not you consider yourself to be a perfectionist, you probly want to project the best image of yourself and you're company.
If that's true, I suggest you pay very close attention to any written communications - whether its your company web site, emails, invoices, brochures, letters, etc.
A seemingly insignificant type-o or grammatical error can quickly erode your perceived level of professionalism and attention to detail.
I attribute much of today's poor writing skills to a general decline in quality education.
However, I think a lot of it is the fault of the increased use of instant messaging and emailing where the objective is to be quick, not accurate.
Just get the point across.
So much has been written about using proper IM and email etiquette.
However, as the population accepts that "LOL" means "laughing out loud," correct spelling and grammar begin to take more of a back seat.
The English language is quickly changing and morphing.
This is natural and I don't have a problem with it.
I just don't want myself or my clients looking like idiots because of simple mistakes we all should have learned and remembered from high school english class.
I admit, I'm probably more sensitive to this than many people because I come from a background in journalism and editing...
and it's part of my daily responsibilities to write, re-write, and proofread for my clients.
I don't claim to be perfect at it 100% of the time, but I catch mistakes often (my own and others').
If it's something that has already been made available to the public, I'm embarrassed for whoever was responsible for the error.
When I see sloppy spelling or disregard for grammar and punctuation rules, it makes me question the reliability of the company that allowed that to be published.
Afterall, if they don't care enough to have someone proof an ad, or a web page, how do I know they will get my order right or be meticulous in their customer service? At the risk of sounding like your 10th grade English teacher, my Top 3 Pet Peeve Writing Mistakes are as follows: 1.
Homonyms - Do you know what the difference is between sets of words that are all pronounced the same way? When do you use "to," "too," or "two"? Here's an example of the proper way to use them in one sentence: I would like to go to the store too so that I may buy two apples.
And while we're at it, please understand the difference between "by" and "buy.
" The word, "by" has many uses, including "near" or "from" and "buy" means "to purchase.
" It really annoys me to see a plea to "By now" as a way to convince me to purchase something today.
If I see that, I promise you, I do not "stop by.
" Also see: their, there, they're and your vs.
you're Check out cooper.
html for complete lists and explanations.
Punctuation - Please make sure you understand the rules of punctuation - especially for commas! There are too many to list here, but there are several online resources such as http://www.
com that can help you quickly understand where (and where NOT) to add punctuation.
General spelling - How difficult is it to turn on your spell check tool on whatever word processing program you use? If you don't have one, use a dictionary or refer to dictionary.
com any time you are not 110% positive about how to spell a word.
If you are concerned with your companies image, pay attention to details such as punctuation, word usage, and spelling in all of your written communications.
If you need help, find someone in your office who is reliabal and has good proof reading skills.
If you have a large project, perhaps it's a good idea to pay a student who is at the top of his or her English class at the local high school or college.
Did you find all of the mistakes above? Here is a brief explanation.
Irregardless - This is not a word.
The proper word is "regardless.
" Adding the "ir" at the beginning of the word is considered a double negative and unnecessary.
probly - The correct spelling is "probably" 3.
you're company - correct usage is "your" 4.
whether its your company - use "it's" because "it is" your company gets shortened 5.
high school english class - capitalize "English" because it is a proper noun 6.
Afterall - this should be two words: "after all" 7.
proof an ad, or a web page - no need for comma 8.
your companies image - correct spelling is "company's" because the image belongs to the company.
The word "companies" is plural.
reliabal - Correct spelling is "reliable".
Make sure you use a reliable spell check tool and proof read all of your company's written communications!