Gardening Bulbs - Discover The Ways How To Grow Anemone And Look After This Plant

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Anemone class totals about 150 rhizomatous or tuberous grassy perennials. They are wide-spread mainly in temperate zone of the Northern hemisphere, but some of this kind can be found in Northern Africa. They can be from 10 centimeters to 100 centimeters high. Colour of the flowers can be bright, white, pink, red, blue, and yellow. This plant blooms usually early in spring, but some kinds can blossom in summer and autumn time.

Some kinds of Anemone, like Anemone amurensis, Anemone nemorosa, Anemone ranunculoides are shade-requiring plants, because their natural habitat is the broad-leaved forest, and twilight prevails close to the ground in those conditions. All of those flowers blossom in early spring.  

Anemone sylvestris, Anemone flaccida, Anemone hybrida can grow in the semi – shaded areas. Anemone blanda, Anemone coronaria and few other kinds are the light-requiring plants.
All species of this plant require moderate moisture conditions. They will grow very well in moderately wet areas in your garden, but all of them require soil with good drainage. Anemone will feel bad in areas with stagnant waters.

Anemone sylvestris and Anemone blanda can pass through temporarily waterless season reasonably well.

To grow Anemone successfully you need to have loose and fertile soil in your garden. There is only one exception to this rule. Anemone sylvestris can live and blossom in sandy soils.

Please check information about soil preparation for each type of this plant when you decide to buy Anemone, because  different sorts of Anemone require different types of the soil. Some of the Anemone kinds require soil with pH 7 – 8. You may use wood ashes to make the soil with this range of acidity. Anemone hybrida prefers light and fertile soils with added compost.

Anemone can be propagated in several ways:
- Sowing seeds.
- Plant partition.
- Using parts of the rhizome.
- Planting tubers.

The best time for propagation and transplantation of Anemone is spring.

When you notice sprouts on the surface of the soil, you may cut root with the sprout and daughter bud and plant it into the fertile and light soil. It is possible to propagate Anemone at the beginning of September, but it can be unsuccessful. Many Anemone plants can die if you propagate them in this period.

Anemone finishes blossoming in May. Its leaves will start fading in June or July. The new bud will appear on the root at this time. You will need to cut part of the root with that bud at that time. The depth of the planting of the rhizome with the adventitious bud is 2 – 5 centimeters. Dug out roots are not afraid of drying up.

Plantings require mulching. You may use light peat, humus or even fallen leaves from broad-leaved trees, like oak, lime – tree, maple for this purpose.
If you decide to grow Anemone flowers for cutting, you need to add fertilizer at the time when you will notice that buds are coming out.
You need to cover Anemone plants with compost or manure in autumn.

Some of the Anemone kinds, like Anemone coronaria,  require very good protection in order to pass winter. It is desirable to cover these plants with foliage of the oak, lime – tree or maple. It is even better to dig out tubers after vegetation period finishes. After you have done that, you will dry tubers under the temperature 20 – 25°?, and then place them into the box in one layer. You should store tubers in warm, good ventilated room until autumn and keep the temperature 15 – 20°? and 3 – 5°? from winter till spring.
Usually you will plant Anemone either in October or in early spring. You need to use whole tuber or part of the tuber with the bud.
It is useful to keep tubers in warm water after storage and before planting for one day. Depth of the planting must be 5 centimeters. Soil must be light, fertile, and wet.

Growing Anemone is not very difficult task and it is widely available for many floriculturists.
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