The Idiocy Just Doesn"t Stop!
According to a USA Today article, Howard Dean was quoted:
Republicans plan to use the vast problems caused by illegal immigration to try and divide Americans voting in next year's midterm election, Democratic National Committee chairman Howard Dean said Saturday.Can Mr.
- U.
Dean explain to me, without losing his temper of course, how that is?Illegal immigration is a big issue in America right now, and both parties are trying to capitalize off of it.
How does Mr.
Dean explain Janet Napolitano and Bill Richardson declaring a state of emergency because of the unsecure border problems in their respective state?Are they trying to be divisive, or are they doing their jobs?
"Once again, the Republicans created problems so they think they can come in and solve them," Dean told DNC members meeting in Phoenix.So, there isn't a problem when there are well over 12 million illegal aliens in this country?There is nothing that needs to be fixed? Well, this explains how Dean would fix the problem:
Dean said the government should have an "earned legalization" program in which immigrants who contribute to society and pay taxes should be able to earn the right to become citizens.So, the privilege we have - a privilege men died for us to have - you just want to give away because illegal aliens have contributed so much to our society?What have they contributed Mr.
Dean?Cheap labor?Taking advantage of our welfare system? These same people earn their citizenship by obviously disrespecting the laws of this land from the moment they come here.
But, while the Republicans are at least playing lip service to a real problem in America, the Democrats' leader says:
Dean said Democrats will appeal to voters on other issues by offering tax law changes that treats middle-class families fairly, health care for more Americans and plan for withdrawing troops from the war in Iraq.Okay, so now we're going to continue taxing the rich, even though the rich provide jobs, and give more breaks to middle-class, who work for the rich people.
So, the rich will look for tax shelters, much like they did during the Carter Administration, or even take their business elsewhere.
The government is now going to take over the private industry of health care.
This health care will be used largely by the illegal aliens who are not a problem and will earn their citizenship.
Oh, and our troops are going to leave Iraq in the middle of a war because it's unwinnable according to them.
Then again, winning wars is not in the Democrats' best interest these days, what with a Republican being President and all.
God forbid, our troops succeed in this war and make President Bush look good.
Thanks, Mr.
I didn't know what was important and what wasn't.
I have seen the light.
Copyright 2005 - John St.