What Are You Doing to Win in 2012?
However, there is one overriding factor that brings home the medals; one essential ingredient to a place on the podium - self development.
Self Development It requires hours of dedicated training, learning and coaching to become the best in your field.
It's not just the technical and physical skills needed to compete; it's essential to receive coaching to give you the mental toughness, determination and total belief to achieve your dreams.
This symbiotic relationship between technical skills and behavioural skills of desire, attitude and belief creates the perfect mix for outstanding performance.
British Business Can Be Just As Successful "Our natural resource is our people - their potential is both untapped and vast.
Skills are the key to unlocking that potential.
" Lord Leitch So, how will companies succeed in a climate with the double-edged sword of tough economic conditions and increasingly tougher competition? The answer is to learn new skills.
"The winning companies in the marketplace will be those with the best trained staff" Tom Miles, Dubai Festival City This means not just learning the technical skills required to do the job and mandatory training such as Health and Safety; you need to invest in the key element essential to a well rounded, high performance team...
Behavioural Skills In his book Good to Great, Jim Collins identified the factors that take companies from good levels of performance to great.
He endorses behavioural skills in leadership, communication, initiative and belief.
Ambitious business people who are aspiring to reach new levels in their effectiveness, skill-set and performance take the following view: oTraining is an investment in the future and gives people the wings to fly oBehavioural skills MUST be at the top of the agenda oSuccess comes from learning Come On Team GB The challenge for Government and bodies such as Business Link is to motivate, encourage and 'sell' the benefits of skills training to UK business.
We must persuade you to invest in Lord Leitch's vision to develop your teams and give them the wings to fly, with technical and behavioural training on the agenda.
Only then will we be strong enough to compete in the global arena and win a place on the podium.
In the current climate losing will cost too many livelihoods.
"A business is a reflection of the skills and attitude of the people in the business...
you can't build a business - you build people.
People build the business" Spencer hays, Forbes Magazine