Tactics For Good Time Management
The main thing to be kept in mind when such events take place is checking out if these events are going to be frequent.
Employ a plan so that you can overcome the problem when it arises again.
If you notice that an employee is not working efficiently or performing his responsibilities up to the mark, you should list out the possible reasons. Check out whether he has the necessary experience or skill to perform the task. Also check whether their motivation to work has declined. If any of these reasons hold true, you should personally talk to that employee about his performance. Check out the reasons for decreasing enthusiasm and lack of interest.
Another point of paramount importance is training. If an employee is not well trained, it could lead to poor time management. It could also be possible that a wrong individual is recruited for the work. If you have inadequate methods for monitoring, it can lead to mistakes. They also happen due to stress or lack of checking. Many a times, it could happen that you ask for something and get something exactly different from that. Therefore, make it a point that you provide in writing whatever you desire. Vocal requests could be misunderstood or even forgotten by the employee.
Keep in mind these important points and you are sure to manage time well. Do not make any silly mistakes which can be definitely avoided. At the same time, you should be prepared for the worst scenario and difficult times.
More Information at: http://www.made-from-india.com/article/Tactics-for-good-time-management-1164.html