What Might Drive You To Take Out Payday Loans?
Your back is up against a wall. If you have big bills coming and you just cant fathom how youll pay them, but your payday is just around the corner, you might think about getting a payday loan. You just have to pay your bills. So you need to take some action.
Youre credit is too bad to use other alternatives. Sure, there are credit cards, loans, and lines of credit out there for people with bills just like you. But if your credit is in a state that makes it hard for you get approved for either of these things, a payday loan just might be your best and only option.
You need money fast
Is your bill due tomorrow? You might want to do something quickly then. Theres a long process to receive credit cards in the mail and to get approved for traditional bank loans. Even line of credit companies will tell you itll take 3-5 business days before they can deposit any money into your checking account. However, payday loans are very quick.
You dont care about high interest rates
One disadvantage of payday loans is their high interest rate. Some experts say its as high as 325 percent. Thats a lot of money in interest and fees. But if you think its more important to pay a bill on time than to pay a little extra cash for getting the loan, you might consider applying for a payday loan.
You only need a small amount of money.
Because the interest rate on payday loans is so high, its best to use these loans when you dont need a large amount of money. Two or three hundred dollars wont hit you too bad when it comes to interest. But a one thousand dollar loan could put a huge dent in your pocket.
As you can see, there are some pretty good reasons why people apply for a payday loan. And while all of the above are reasons to do a Google search for a payday loan right this second, there are many reasons not to think about applying for a payday loan. You shouldnt think about applying for a payday loan if:
You know nothing about nor do you understand interest. If you think APR is a machine you stick a tape into, hold on. You should think twice before you apply for a payday loan. Thats because many people who take out payday loans end up in a cycle of debt. And before they know it, they just dont know what to do.