Free Ipod Touch 8gb An Irresistible Christmas Gift!
Doling out freebies to sell mobile phone handsets is not at all a new marketing phenomenon in the UK. Far from it, this particular gimmick has been employes since the last few years here to lure in the valued customers who is spoiled beyond recognition for choice. And this practice of giving away free gifts as an additional and extraordinary and irresistible attraction touches its peak during the already upon us festive season.
Anything and everything from 42 inch HD television sets, digital cameras, playstations, nintendo wiis, iPod shuffles, broadband dongles, Xbox 360, mobile phone accessories, even other less expensive handsets, laptops, notebooks, are given away by the network service providers operating here and the dealers selling these mobile phone handsets in the first place.
From among the free gift choices available to them, these days most users prefer the free iPod Touch 8 GB. After all,the attractions that the iPod Touch brings with itself is far too many and if you consider the value that it brings it will be, in all likelihood, be far more than the actual price of the mobile phone handset being bought. But the network carriers are making their profits out of the increased number of buyers. Looked at from this angle, it is actually a win win situation for all concerned mobile phone manufacturers, network service providers and dealers and last but not the least the customer.