A Guide on How to Give a Devotion
- 1). Select a topic. It is best to choose a topic that compliments the sermon or service topic of the day. You should also select a topic that is of interest to you. Examples of generic topics are: Joy, Salvation, Peace and Forgiveness. It is best to narrow your topic; this will allow you to have an easier time selecting a Scripture that is related.
- 2). Select a Scripture passage. After narrowing down your topic, you will need to select a fitting scripture passage. It is a good idea to select a brief passage of a Scripture that can be treated in a few minutes. Devotions are not intended to be sermon length, and should not exceed five minutes during a regular service. You may even find that one verse of a Scripture is sufficient for your devotion. John 3:16 and Philippians 4:13 are popular Scriptures to draw from.
- 3). Determine the main idea of the Scripture you have selected. The primary theme of the text should reflect the original meaning of the passage and should be able to be delivered in a way that can be appreciated by a contemporary church audience. For example, if you select John 3:16, the main idea can be delivered as "God's Unconditional Love."
- 4). Test the validity of your topic and text. The validity of your topic and text can be tested by evaluating the verses before and after the passage you have selected. It is important to leave the text in its original context. Although there will be room for interpretation, the goal should be to leave the text as presented in the Bible.
- 5). Make notes about your observations about the passage. A helpful method to conduct a study of your passage is by asking yourself who the text focused on and what the passage revealed. If your church has a library, you might be able to find Bible commentaries that can help you answer those questions. It is also a good rule of thumb to determine what truths you would like to share during the devotion.
- 1). Introduce and read your Scripture passage.
- 2). Reveal your insights and observations to the congregation. You want to start with something everyone can relate to and that gets their attention. For example, you can start by saying "God's peace transcends all understanding".
- 3). Bring your devotion to a close. You want to close by presenting a specific challenge or reciting a commitment prayer or thanksgiving. Finish by thanking God for His peace and mercy.
- 4). Take a deep breath. You have just completed your devotion.