6 Tips For Pest Prevention In Organic Gardens
This is accomplished by taking a few steps that most organic gardeners do instinctively.
These 6 tips for pest prevention in organic gardens can serve as a reminder for those who have been involved in organic farming for a while, and as a checklist if you are new to the craft.
- Choose the right varieties.
Choosing a variety of plant that is resistant to your local pests is a great first step in avoiding pest problems down the line.
The right plants will favor insects which pollinate, and those that eat other insects.
Talk to other gardeners and even your local county extension agent to learn what works and what doesn't in your area. - Group for water and sunlight.
Some plants need more sunshine than others, some need wet conditions, some need dry.
Grouping your plantings according to their elemental needs will go a long way toward keeping them healthy, and free of pests. - Water properly.
Properly balanced watering according to the needs of the plant, will strengthens plants, while under watering weakens plants and makes insect attacks inevitable.
Over watering can cause the same problems, and create a few new pest problems in the process. - Plant at the proper times If a plant is trying to grow in opposition to what it's genetics are telling it to do, it will be weak and pest prone.
Try to match your plantings with your season. - Improve soil structure Organic gardeners automatically have a head start on pest control, since organic gardening tends to have some aspects of pest prevention built-in to the process, due in large part to the emphasis on good soil structure.
Loose, well aerated soil, with plenty of organic matter creates a healthy environment for plant roots - Balance soil fertility Good fertility leads to healthy plants, and healthy plants are less susceptible to pests.
Overly lush, over fertilized plants are easy targets for garden predators, and under fertilized plants are weak and susceptible to unwanted insects.