How to Phone a Guy and Ask Him Out? Follow This Process If You Want Him to Give a Positive Response
Here are a few things that you need to do when you want to ask a guy out over the phone.
Think of what your agenda is Before you make your call it is very important that you think about what you are going to say.
Don't think that you'll be able to make up all that you want to say when you are on the call with him.
While you do need to be a bit spontaneous, you also need to make sure that you have your date plan in mind.
Have your wits about yourself when you make the call When you make the call you need to make sure that you have your wits about yourself.
Take a deep breath before you dial his number and as he answers talk with a confident hello.
If it goes into the answering machine leave a simple message asking him to call back.
Don't jump the gun and ask him out You first need to build on a conversation before you ask him out.
It will be very awkward if you say hello and then say, "Let's go out on a date".
Ask him how he has been doing and what he has been up to lately.
Build on the conversation As you build on the conversation you will be able to tell if he has been very busy or not.
As you speak to him you will also be able to identify when would be a good day to ask him out.
Ask him if he has any plans mid week Ask him what his week looks like and if he has any social agenda lined up during the week.
His weekend calendar is most likely to be full so making a plan to do something together will most likely be successful during mid week.
Propose doing something together Now you should ask him to do something non committal.
Suggest that you could catch the latest movie and go for a quick bite or catch a play or do something that you both do within a short span of time on a week day.
Confirm your date and hang up Once your plan is set all you need to do is confirm the date and time and tell him that you will meet him at the decided location.
Tell him it was nice talking to him and you look forward to meeting him again and then hang up.