Cheap Mobile Phone Deals: Treat Yourself To One Of These If You"re In The UK
And never is that more true than when you're on a budget, which unless you're Mr.
Gates, will be true of you.
Mobile phones represent an inescapable expense on our budget - the phone itself can be pricey and the monthly line rental even more so.
not if you go about this the right way...
Not too long ago, you had to make a very clear choice when getting a mobile phone:
- Either pay for a good, expensive new phone and a comprehensive calling plan
- Or get a cheap ugly or clunky old phone with a lackluster calling plan
Sure, you still have to pay through the nose for the latest phones, but you now have a great selection of phones and plans available at low cost...
or even for free.
Where can these elusive deals be found? Not at your high street mobile phone retailer, that's for sure.
To find these deals, look online.
On the internet you don't have to subsidize a high street retailer's sky-high store rental expenses, and this means a much better deal for you.
The best offers available are 12 month free line rental offers where you receive ALL your monthly line rental back in redemption offers at certain periods in the contract.
Which means that you pay nothing after all is said and done - and you still get a phone free.
A dozen months at £20 to £35 a month adds up to a tidy little sum.
And you may be pleasantly surprised at the range and quality of the phones on offer - you can get popular phones like the Motorola V3i which not so long ago had steep price tags.
So then, having decided to save yourself a few hundred pounds and get one of these deals, it's time to:
- Have a browse online and select from among the deals and phones
- Choose a deal with a good number of inclusive free minutes and text messages - it makes no sense to save on the line rental and then get killed on excess usage
- Be disciplined about sticking to the redemption terms
- Give yourself a pat on the back and a night on the town when you receive a healthy chunk of cashback!
time to look for the next free lunch!