Wisk I Knew You
The life of a child is very complicated in today's society.
It helps to have someone you can turn to, trust, and look up to.
Usually this is a parent or relative, but increasingly, it is a day-care center, an organized group for after- school care, etc.
So, where are the parents? They are working.
Some take on double shifts for the extra money, and others come home, close the door to their home office and work far into the night.
Many times, children are a distraction as parents prepare for the next day meeting, or are glued to their computers or cell phones "talking business.
" You have to wonder what goes on in the minds of the small ones as they long to "just talk" or "just listen".
Children learn more from imitation, then from actual conversation.
You can say all you want to, but watching you and what you do is far more likely to make an imprint.
Time flies is not just a saying - it is reality.
Children grow up and seem to grow up faster in today's world.
Their childhood is cut short because they are expected to be "adults" so much sooner.
Many fend for themselves or care for siblings at a very early age.
Even when parents are in the house, the electronic baby-sitter today is the video game-boy with a close second of TV.
Parents have "lost touch" with their offspring.
They mean well by working harder and providing more "things.
"But that is what they are - "things.
"Your child or children need to know you and hear your voice speaking to them, your arms hugging them and to have your undivided attention when they need to tell you something so very important in their lives.
In the news you hear parents lamenting where did they go wrong, or we did not know our child was hurting or capable of inflicting the pain he/she was feeling on others?Statistics now show that parents in the U.
take fewer vacations and work longer hours.
Mealtimes are quick if ever "together.
"So what are today's parents to do when money is tight and prices are skyrocketing? You need to do whatever it takes to set aside some time - any time - to be with your family.
You can bypass that extra video game, or newest cell phone gadget.
It will fade away but then so will your children.
You don't want to "remember when" - you want to "be part of.
"It will be the moments that you spend with your children that will be the time that changes the world for them and for you.
It's the little things in life that should be sought after - not the latest trend or innovation.
Bigger houses, bigger mortgages and more bills some- times are just not worth it.
More things need more space and also more time maintaining and cleaning.
And there are your children standing around, or sitting in their rooms waiting for the few minutes of your business to-do list to have a slot for them.
You cannot imagine the pain when you look at your "baby" accepting a diploma and packing for college, or showing off that sparkling ring.
Don't wait for it to hit you then.
All those missed moments are still there - you can make a difference but if you wait - the difference will be the ache in your heart - the tears in your eyes - and the hurt that does last a lifetime.
Make time now - take that vacation - do without that "thing" - but gain the wealth of the world right there - right in front of you - and it will be worth every penny of your time.
©Arleen M.
Kaptur July, 2007
It helps to have someone you can turn to, trust, and look up to.
Usually this is a parent or relative, but increasingly, it is a day-care center, an organized group for after- school care, etc.
So, where are the parents? They are working.
Some take on double shifts for the extra money, and others come home, close the door to their home office and work far into the night.
Many times, children are a distraction as parents prepare for the next day meeting, or are glued to their computers or cell phones "talking business.
" You have to wonder what goes on in the minds of the small ones as they long to "just talk" or "just listen".
Children learn more from imitation, then from actual conversation.
You can say all you want to, but watching you and what you do is far more likely to make an imprint.
Time flies is not just a saying - it is reality.
Children grow up and seem to grow up faster in today's world.
Their childhood is cut short because they are expected to be "adults" so much sooner.
Many fend for themselves or care for siblings at a very early age.
Even when parents are in the house, the electronic baby-sitter today is the video game-boy with a close second of TV.
Parents have "lost touch" with their offspring.
They mean well by working harder and providing more "things.
"But that is what they are - "things.
"Your child or children need to know you and hear your voice speaking to them, your arms hugging them and to have your undivided attention when they need to tell you something so very important in their lives.
In the news you hear parents lamenting where did they go wrong, or we did not know our child was hurting or capable of inflicting the pain he/she was feeling on others?Statistics now show that parents in the U.
take fewer vacations and work longer hours.
Mealtimes are quick if ever "together.
"So what are today's parents to do when money is tight and prices are skyrocketing? You need to do whatever it takes to set aside some time - any time - to be with your family.
You can bypass that extra video game, or newest cell phone gadget.
It will fade away but then so will your children.
You don't want to "remember when" - you want to "be part of.
"It will be the moments that you spend with your children that will be the time that changes the world for them and for you.
It's the little things in life that should be sought after - not the latest trend or innovation.
Bigger houses, bigger mortgages and more bills some- times are just not worth it.
More things need more space and also more time maintaining and cleaning.
And there are your children standing around, or sitting in their rooms waiting for the few minutes of your business to-do list to have a slot for them.
You cannot imagine the pain when you look at your "baby" accepting a diploma and packing for college, or showing off that sparkling ring.
Don't wait for it to hit you then.
All those missed moments are still there - you can make a difference but if you wait - the difference will be the ache in your heart - the tears in your eyes - and the hurt that does last a lifetime.
Make time now - take that vacation - do without that "thing" - but gain the wealth of the world right there - right in front of you - and it will be worth every penny of your time.
©Arleen M.
Kaptur July, 2007