Home Remedies for Fire Ant Bites
- First step: Wash with soap and water.savon 2 image by thierry planche from Fotolia.com
The red fire ant, originally from South America, is the most common type of fire ant in the United States. These ants are known for their aggressiveness when disturbed, especially near their nest. They swarm and attack, stinging and injecting venom multiple times, according to the Medical University of South Carolina. The victim's skin gets itchy and red, and pustules, pockets filled with pus, form within several hours. While there are home remedies for fire ant bites, people who suffer from allergies related to the ant should seek medical attention. - You can't wash off the venom with water alone. But gently cleaning the area of the bites with a mixture of soap and water will remove venom from the skin, notes the Fire Ants Guide.
- Within 15 minutes of a fire ant sting, apply a solution of one part bleach and one part water to the affected area to relieve the pain and itching. Fire ant venom is a mix of oily alkaline and protein. Bleach can break down the protein, but is only effective if applied within 15 minutes, based on information from BugGuide.
- For the pain and swelling that may result from fire ant bites, a cold compress helps. Just wrap some ice in a cloth and apply it for 10 minutes, then leave it off 10 minutes and repeat as needed, suggests MedlinePlus. If you have a circulatory disorder, reduce the length of time the compress is applied to the skin.
- This acts similar to hydrocortisone creams and can ease the swelling, itchiness and redness associated with fire ant bites. Make the paste with three teaspoons of baking soda and one teaspoon of water. Apply this remedy three times a day to the affected areas, suggests the Mayo Clinic.