Dating Tips For Women - How To Land That Guy You've Been Dreaming Of!
After all, you don't want to end up selling yourself short, do you?
Being able to attract a man is really not that hard for a woman to do. Men are really pretty simple when you get right down to it. And no, you don't have to look like a tooth pick model to attract a man.
Here are some dating tips for women that should help you better understand how to attract that guy you've been dreaming of:
1. Don't assume that every guy is after the same thing. Just like not every woman is after the same exact kind of guy, there are many different kinds of guys out there, so you will have your pick as to what you really want to attract. You don't have to suddenly dumb yourself down in hopes of being able to entice the right guy to come walking your way.
2. Don't think that you have to over do the sexy thing to get attention. While it's true that a little sexiness never hurts when you want to attract the right guy, you don't have to go overboard with it. In fact, for some guys, this will be a complete turn off. You just have to realize that men are more visual than women are when it comes to attraction, but they don't necessarily want to see all your goods right away.
3. DO know how to carry yourself with both a little sexiness and confidence. The combination is a killer in most men's eyes and when you know how to make yourself seem both sexy AND confident, you will see that you are able to attract the attention of just about every guy that you come across. Don't worry about intimidating a guy, as the right one will not be put off in the least bit by a combination of sexy and confident.
4. DO have your own mind. Nothing is worse than sitting down with a gorgeous women and finding out that all she is going to do is nod her head and agree to everything that you say. When you are out with a guy, or you are having a conversation with him, let him see that you are not just going to go along with whatever he says.
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