Marines Exercises
- Circuit training for the Marines is not the same as circuit training at the health club. It means pushing yourself to the limit in a short period of time. Start off with push-ups, doing the most you can in two minutes. The same holds with stomach crunches: do the maximum in two minutes. Then take hold of the pull-up bar and do your maximum there in two minutes. Then run hard for two minutes, followed by biking as fast as you can for two minutes. Then do two more minutes of crunches followed by two minutes of running.
- Sometimes Marines are asked to do their physical training in full Marine gear. You don't have to. However, Marines are asked to do two minutes of pull-ups, two minutes of crunches and then a 3-mile run. Consider yourself lucky if you are doing this in gym wear rather than full gear.
- Women can take part in Marine workouts. Start off by hanging from a chin-up bar with flexed arms. Hold on for 15 seconds at a time. After holding for 15 seconds, jump off for the same amount, get back on for 15 seconds and then jump off for 15 seconds. After hanging on the bar, start running. A 3-mile run is required. After the run, do two minutes of stomach crunches.
- Do push-ups to prepare for any physical testing, including Marine testing. Push-ups will exercise your core muscles, your shoulders, upper arms, forearms and wrists. Put your hands at shoulder level as you lie on the floor on your front. Bend your elbows so your weight is resting on your hands. You should be about 3 inches off the ground. Push up until your arms are straight and your elbows are locked. Lower your body to the starting position. Your back should be level as you raise and lower yourself. Do as many push-ups as you can in a two-minute period while holding your form.