Acne Herbal Remedies - Soothe Acne Inflammation and Prevent Scarring With No Negative Side Effects
Herbs and other natural substances can help improve the skin's health and treat acne.
They are safer than prescription drugs and synthetic treatments, while being just as effective, in most cases.
Here's why.
Herbs, botanicals, nutrients, minerals and other naturally occurring substances were our first medicines.
They might not have worked against some diseases.
The invention of antibiotics is often thought to be a boon to society.
But, there were costs.
Some naturalists argue that the boon was not due to the antibiotics, but due to improved sanitation and education among the masses concerning transmission of communicable diseases.
Most researchers agree that the overuse of antibiotics has led to an increase of "stronger" bacteria, more resistant to treatment.
Research has shown that in some cases, such as in MRSA, natural antibacterials are effective, where the prescription antibiotics are not.
This is relevant to a discussion concerning acne, because the cause of infected cysts and pimples is the P.
acnes bacteria.
The conventional treatment is the use of oral or topical antibiotics.
Either that or the patient is advised to wait.
"You'll grow out of it.
" The risk of waiting is the formation of permanent scar tissue, as well as depression and low self-esteem.
Some people still seem to think that acne is caused by poor hygiene, which is, of course not the case.
But, people with the condition still feel embarrassed by it.
The causes of acne are several.
They include increased hormone production, irritation and inflammation of the sebaceous glands, overproduction of skin cells, overgrowth of the P.
acnes bacteria and increased insulin production.
To complicate matters, certain foods contribute to inflammation and insulin production.
Things like the chemicals in tap water change the skin's natural pH level and lead to an overgrowth of the P.
acnes bacteria.
Regularly swimming in chlorinated pools has the same effect.
Herbs can soothe inflammation.
Some of them have natural antibacterial activity.
Plant oils like jojoba are known to reduce scarring.
If taken orally, some herbs and nutrients reduce depression and balance hormonal production.
So, every cause and side effect of acne can be addressed naturally.
With dietary changes, good nutrition, natural skincare products and possibly a good showerhead filter, it is possible to address all forms of skin conditions, without causing unwanted side effects or increasing the number of super-strong bacteria that our society has to deal with.
Do a little research and check out the natural approaches available if you suffer from acne or any other skin condition.
You will likely be surprised by the results.
They are safer than prescription drugs and synthetic treatments, while being just as effective, in most cases.
Here's why.
Herbs, botanicals, nutrients, minerals and other naturally occurring substances were our first medicines.
They might not have worked against some diseases.
The invention of antibiotics is often thought to be a boon to society.
But, there were costs.
Some naturalists argue that the boon was not due to the antibiotics, but due to improved sanitation and education among the masses concerning transmission of communicable diseases.
Most researchers agree that the overuse of antibiotics has led to an increase of "stronger" bacteria, more resistant to treatment.
Research has shown that in some cases, such as in MRSA, natural antibacterials are effective, where the prescription antibiotics are not.
This is relevant to a discussion concerning acne, because the cause of infected cysts and pimples is the P.
acnes bacteria.
The conventional treatment is the use of oral or topical antibiotics.
Either that or the patient is advised to wait.
"You'll grow out of it.
" The risk of waiting is the formation of permanent scar tissue, as well as depression and low self-esteem.
Some people still seem to think that acne is caused by poor hygiene, which is, of course not the case.
But, people with the condition still feel embarrassed by it.
The causes of acne are several.
They include increased hormone production, irritation and inflammation of the sebaceous glands, overproduction of skin cells, overgrowth of the P.
acnes bacteria and increased insulin production.
To complicate matters, certain foods contribute to inflammation and insulin production.
Things like the chemicals in tap water change the skin's natural pH level and lead to an overgrowth of the P.
acnes bacteria.
Regularly swimming in chlorinated pools has the same effect.
Herbs can soothe inflammation.
Some of them have natural antibacterial activity.
Plant oils like jojoba are known to reduce scarring.
If taken orally, some herbs and nutrients reduce depression and balance hormonal production.
So, every cause and side effect of acne can be addressed naturally.
With dietary changes, good nutrition, natural skincare products and possibly a good showerhead filter, it is possible to address all forms of skin conditions, without causing unwanted side effects or increasing the number of super-strong bacteria that our society has to deal with.
Do a little research and check out the natural approaches available if you suffer from acne or any other skin condition.
You will likely be surprised by the results.