Yeast Free Diet
yeast free diet - or an anti-yeast diet is one that is intended to inhibit the overgrowth of Candida yeast in the body through dietary restrictions focused on health promotion and wellness. In the course of three to six weeks, yeast-free diet can make a dramatic difference in how a person feels and how health in general.
The causes of yeast infections
There are hundreds of species of yeast in the world, found in virtually all functional areas. Of these, six are commonly found in or on the human body. A particular species, albicans, Candida is very common in the wetlands of the body: in the mouth, digestive tract, urinary tract and vaginal canal. Most times, the other organisms in our systems - mostly bacteria - feed on the yeast and keep its growth under control. However, when something throws the balance between bacteria and yeast, Candida can get out of control. What disturbs the balance? When you take antibiotics to fight harmful bacteria, you'll find the good bacteria that eat yeast are as susceptible to antibiotics as the bad guys are trying to kill. Birth control pills and cortisone drugs may also affect the relative levels of bacterial colonization, such as fatigue, stress, or anything else that weakens our immune system.
Symptoms and Complications
Usually, the worst symptom suffered the assault of drugs to our good bacteria is a couple of days of diarrhea, but if the bacteria do not survive to build back up a healthy balance quickly, yeast may be a gap and cause a generalized overgrowth. In the mouth, this is called "thrush" in the vagina is called vaginitis "or" yeast "(or just a" yeast infection "), but when the yeast is produced in the digestive tract, which may remain invisible or misdiagnosed for weeks or months, causing a variety of uncomfortable symptoms such as constipation, bloating and gas. You can make a person feel full, even if they have eaten enough calories, and since it can also interfere with the extraction of nutrients from the foods you eat, energy, fatigue, headaches, low and hunger may be common.
Fungal infections usually remain localized on a wet surface, but in protracted cases of yeast can change to a form of fungal rhizoids sinking as root under the surface of the mucosa. This is usually invisible in the intestinal tract, and when it does, toxins and other substances that normally prevents penetration of the intestinal mucosal surface are given a route to invade the rest of the body, causing "leaky gut syndrome ".
This systemic infection can lead to a wide variety of symptoms alone, such as thrush, vaginitis, diarrhea, inflammation of the rectum, flatulence, inflammation of the bladder, and worse, you can begin to activate the body's immune system to act against itself. "This can lead to fatigue, muscle and joint aches, dizziness, respiratory problems, menstrual problems, eczema, acne, urticaria, psoriasis, insomnia, irritability and other immune reactions in the entire system, which seem far removed from the source of the problem.
Another complication is known as invasive candidiasis, "or" candidemia ", which occurs when yeast or yeast toxins enter the bloodstream, usually as a result of injury or surgery. Yeast infection in the blood causes fever and chills that do not respond to antibiotics, and can spread to the kidneys, liver, spleen, joints or eyes, causing further damage.
Altering your diet
One of the most important steps you can take in fighting recurring yeast infections or systemic changes in your diet is to deprive the yeast of support to start a diet free of yeast. - Processed, sugary foods are almost designed to promote the growth of yeast, and is essential to adapt the body to a healthier eating style if recurring or systemic infection must be defeated. A yeast free diet can help start a person on a path to feeling healthy and well. To eliminate the yeast, it is necessary to remove the sugars that feed. The most important food products to avoid are those containing yeasts and molds themselves, sugar, dairy products and fermented foods, as well as starch and alcoholic substances that break down into sugars.
Foods to avoid on a yeast free diet
Food yeast:
• Bread, rolls, cookies, cakes, crackers and other foods Bready
• Vinegar and foods containing it, such as mayonnaise, salad dressings, barbecue sauce, mustard, pickles and foods.
• Wine, Beer & Spirits
• food and drinks such as sauerkraut or fermented cider
Moldy foods:
• All cheese
• dried, smoked or pickled
• Cured bacon
• Mushrooms, peanuts and pistachios
• Soy sauce, miso, tamari, and tempeh
• Malta
• pre-packaged herbal teas
• Canned tomatoes
Sugary foods:
• Processing of sugar (granulated, pastries, coffee)
• Grapes, raisins, dates, prunes or figs, citrus fruits
• Fruit and nuts
• Soft drinks and drink mixes
• Honey or maple syrup
• High fructose corn syrup
• Chocolate
Starchy foods: limit consumption of 3 or 4 times a week
• Corn
• Potatoes
That may seem like a lot of restrictions, and do not leave much to buy in the supermarket, but when you start to see like this, it is amazing the amount of waste that are used to put in our bodies every day. A diet free of yeast, in essence, return to the basics of unprocessed natural foods that are really what the body needs.
However, you must be wondering what can be eaten with foods common to many off-limits? There are a variety of healthy food, tasty left to choose to fit the criteria of yeast-free diet:
• Vegetables, vegetables and more vegetables, especially dark green leafy
• Beans, any variety
• Meat protein, including beef, chicken, fish and seafood, fresh pork (uncured)
• Eggs
• Whole grains such as rice, barley, millet, cous-cous, and buckwheat
• oatmeal and whole grain pasta, corn, rice or pasta writing
• seeds and unprocessed nuts
• Vegetable oils that are unrefined (the kind that must be refrigerated)
For best results, yeast-free diet must be strictly followed for at least three to six weeks. In the first weeks, the lack of food can cause massive mortality of the yeast within the system. Unfortunately, this has the effect of dumping thousands of yeast toxins in the intestinal tract and vagina, which can cause flu-like fatigue, weakness and irritability. However, the body quickly rebounds as the toxins are flushed from the system, and yeast-free diet provides far greater reserves of energy in the short term and long term.
Once your body has adapted to the new diet, you will look and feel much healthier. Although the goal of maintaining long-term health and prevent recurrence of yeast must be followed to avoid yeast, sugar and dairy products, which can gradually add amounts preserving some of the other restricted foods in your diet once the initial phase of the yeast free diet is complete. Add only one new food at a time, and monitor your body closely to see if food causes particular problems for your system.
It may also be able to find some useful supplements through your doctor or your local health food store. "Probiotics" are live beneficial bacteria tablets should be introduced in the yeast free diet to help restore a more normal balance between the flora of the interior, and there are also several non-toxic natural antifungal agents.
A program of moderate exercise can help improve their welfare. A twenty-minute session of walking, swimming and light exercise two or three times a week is enough to make a difference, especially if made out of sunlight and fresh air. Most importantly, a conscious effort to maintain a healthy body through food intake. By implementing a diet free of yeast and make a conscious effort to rely primarily on unprocessed staple foods will be healthier body and many of the undesirable symptoms of yeast overgrowth will be gone.
The causes of yeast infections
There are hundreds of species of yeast in the world, found in virtually all functional areas. Of these, six are commonly found in or on the human body. A particular species, albicans, Candida is very common in the wetlands of the body: in the mouth, digestive tract, urinary tract and vaginal canal. Most times, the other organisms in our systems - mostly bacteria - feed on the yeast and keep its growth under control. However, when something throws the balance between bacteria and yeast, Candida can get out of control. What disturbs the balance? When you take antibiotics to fight harmful bacteria, you'll find the good bacteria that eat yeast are as susceptible to antibiotics as the bad guys are trying to kill. Birth control pills and cortisone drugs may also affect the relative levels of bacterial colonization, such as fatigue, stress, or anything else that weakens our immune system.
Symptoms and Complications
Usually, the worst symptom suffered the assault of drugs to our good bacteria is a couple of days of diarrhea, but if the bacteria do not survive to build back up a healthy balance quickly, yeast may be a gap and cause a generalized overgrowth. In the mouth, this is called "thrush" in the vagina is called vaginitis "or" yeast "(or just a" yeast infection "), but when the yeast is produced in the digestive tract, which may remain invisible or misdiagnosed for weeks or months, causing a variety of uncomfortable symptoms such as constipation, bloating and gas. You can make a person feel full, even if they have eaten enough calories, and since it can also interfere with the extraction of nutrients from the foods you eat, energy, fatigue, headaches, low and hunger may be common.
Fungal infections usually remain localized on a wet surface, but in protracted cases of yeast can change to a form of fungal rhizoids sinking as root under the surface of the mucosa. This is usually invisible in the intestinal tract, and when it does, toxins and other substances that normally prevents penetration of the intestinal mucosal surface are given a route to invade the rest of the body, causing "leaky gut syndrome ".
This systemic infection can lead to a wide variety of symptoms alone, such as thrush, vaginitis, diarrhea, inflammation of the rectum, flatulence, inflammation of the bladder, and worse, you can begin to activate the body's immune system to act against itself. "This can lead to fatigue, muscle and joint aches, dizziness, respiratory problems, menstrual problems, eczema, acne, urticaria, psoriasis, insomnia, irritability and other immune reactions in the entire system, which seem far removed from the source of the problem.
Another complication is known as invasive candidiasis, "or" candidemia ", which occurs when yeast or yeast toxins enter the bloodstream, usually as a result of injury or surgery. Yeast infection in the blood causes fever and chills that do not respond to antibiotics, and can spread to the kidneys, liver, spleen, joints or eyes, causing further damage.
Altering your diet
One of the most important steps you can take in fighting recurring yeast infections or systemic changes in your diet is to deprive the yeast of support to start a diet free of yeast. - Processed, sugary foods are almost designed to promote the growth of yeast, and is essential to adapt the body to a healthier eating style if recurring or systemic infection must be defeated. A yeast free diet can help start a person on a path to feeling healthy and well. To eliminate the yeast, it is necessary to remove the sugars that feed. The most important food products to avoid are those containing yeasts and molds themselves, sugar, dairy products and fermented foods, as well as starch and alcoholic substances that break down into sugars.
Foods to avoid on a yeast free diet
Food yeast:
• Bread, rolls, cookies, cakes, crackers and other foods Bready
• Vinegar and foods containing it, such as mayonnaise, salad dressings, barbecue sauce, mustard, pickles and foods.
• Wine, Beer & Spirits
• food and drinks such as sauerkraut or fermented cider
Moldy foods:
• All cheese
• dried, smoked or pickled
• Cured bacon
• Mushrooms, peanuts and pistachios
• Soy sauce, miso, tamari, and tempeh
• Malta
• pre-packaged herbal teas
• Canned tomatoes
Sugary foods:
• Processing of sugar (granulated, pastries, coffee)
• Grapes, raisins, dates, prunes or figs, citrus fruits
• Fruit and nuts
• Soft drinks and drink mixes
• Honey or maple syrup
• High fructose corn syrup
• Chocolate
Starchy foods: limit consumption of 3 or 4 times a week
• Corn
• Potatoes
That may seem like a lot of restrictions, and do not leave much to buy in the supermarket, but when you start to see like this, it is amazing the amount of waste that are used to put in our bodies every day. A diet free of yeast, in essence, return to the basics of unprocessed natural foods that are really what the body needs.
However, you must be wondering what can be eaten with foods common to many off-limits? There are a variety of healthy food, tasty left to choose to fit the criteria of yeast-free diet:
• Vegetables, vegetables and more vegetables, especially dark green leafy
• Beans, any variety
• Meat protein, including beef, chicken, fish and seafood, fresh pork (uncured)
• Eggs
• Whole grains such as rice, barley, millet, cous-cous, and buckwheat
• oatmeal and whole grain pasta, corn, rice or pasta writing
• seeds and unprocessed nuts
• Vegetable oils that are unrefined (the kind that must be refrigerated)
For best results, yeast-free diet must be strictly followed for at least three to six weeks. In the first weeks, the lack of food can cause massive mortality of the yeast within the system. Unfortunately, this has the effect of dumping thousands of yeast toxins in the intestinal tract and vagina, which can cause flu-like fatigue, weakness and irritability. However, the body quickly rebounds as the toxins are flushed from the system, and yeast-free diet provides far greater reserves of energy in the short term and long term.
Once your body has adapted to the new diet, you will look and feel much healthier. Although the goal of maintaining long-term health and prevent recurrence of yeast must be followed to avoid yeast, sugar and dairy products, which can gradually add amounts preserving some of the other restricted foods in your diet once the initial phase of the yeast free diet is complete. Add only one new food at a time, and monitor your body closely to see if food causes particular problems for your system.
It may also be able to find some useful supplements through your doctor or your local health food store. "Probiotics" are live beneficial bacteria tablets should be introduced in the yeast free diet to help restore a more normal balance between the flora of the interior, and there are also several non-toxic natural antifungal agents.
A program of moderate exercise can help improve their welfare. A twenty-minute session of walking, swimming and light exercise two or three times a week is enough to make a difference, especially if made out of sunlight and fresh air. Most importantly, a conscious effort to maintain a healthy body through food intake. By implementing a diet free of yeast and make a conscious effort to rely primarily on unprocessed staple foods will be healthier body and many of the undesirable symptoms of yeast overgrowth will be gone.