Web 2.0 - A Perspective On Web 2.0 Safety
This has given an added incentive to hackers, who are now targeting the new service oriented sites like social networking sites, which use Web 2.
0 applications.
The Attack on Networking Sites A year or so ago, MySpace, a premier social networking site had to shut down on a temporary basis as it was affected by the Samy worm,a virulent worm that no firewall could block.
Such threats have, in a way, slowed down the speedy evolution of the Web 2.
0, which acts like a collaborative model of internet development.
The Samy worm was different from the earlier attacks on social networking sites.
Unlike some other worms like MyDoom etc, it did not create technical problems for system administrators but, it endangered their online data.
The Solutions Experts suggest that, the administrators of Web 2.
0 based networking or social marketing sites need to shift their web security concerns.
There needs to be a radical change in the methodology of browser interaction with the web.
As more and more critical data is stored using this web application the security holes in this regard increase.
If affected, the damage caused is insurmountable.
One of the ways this can be countered is by employing filtering software.
This will dissuade the users from posting codes that are unsafe for the online data.
Another method that is currently in use when it comes to Web 2.
0 application is the automatic logging off, of visitors after a specific long period of inactivity.