Object Lesson - What Are You Looking At?
A suggested Bible verse to use is Isaiah 26:3.
"Problems are a way of life.
James tells us to count it all joy when we encounter problems, not if.
God wants you and I to choose to focus on God, not your problems.
All too often though, when problems come, we let them overwhelm us.
You don't have to do that.
" Show both the large and small squares.
The large square has "God" written on it and the small one has the word "Problem" on it.
"Which square is bigger? That's right, the one with God written on it.
But, did you know that you can make the small square seem larger than the big one?" Give the squares to an older child and have them hold the big square out as far as they can.
Then have them take the small one in their other hand and put it in between the large square and their face.
Make sure they keep it as close as they can to the big square when starting out.
Then have them slowly bring the small square closer to their face.
"What seems to be happening to the small square as it gets closer to your eye? It seems to be getting bigger doesn't it? Is it actually getting bigger? No.
But if you get it really close to your eye, it seems even bigger than the large one.
Place the small square on the big one.
Now you can see what its actual size is.
It doesn't seem so big anymore does it?" If you have time, let several children try it to see the effect for themselves.
"When you have a problem and that's all you think about, it'll seem to get bigger and bigger and bigger, just like the small square.
The problem hasn't changed; your attitude and thoughts toward it have made it seem even worse.
" "Instead of focusing on the problem, think about the Lord Jesus because he is the One who can solve it.
Before you talk to the Lord Jesus about your problem, though, take a few moments to thank him for his power and love.
Think of some ways God showed his power in the Bible and thank him for them.
Then talk to God about your problem and ask for his help.
If you focus on God first, it can help you remember that no matter how big the problem is God is even bigger.
" "God gives us a wonderful promise in Isaiah 26:3.
He says that he will give you perfect peace as long as you focus on him.
When you do, he helps put your problems in the proper perspective.
Will you choose to focus on God this week instead of your problems?"