Arrowwood Viburnum Shrubs
Plant Taxonomy of Arrowwood Viburnum:
Plant taxonomy classifies arrowwood viburnum shrubs as Viburnum dentatum. The common name is often misspelled, with one W dropped (a double W is rare in English).
Plant Type:
Arrowwood viburnum is a deciduous shrub indigenous to the eastern half of North America.
USDA Plant Hardiness Zones:
Arrowwood viburnum shrubs can be grown in zones 2-8.
Characteristics of Arrowwood Viburnum Shrubs:
Arrowwood viburnums are flowering shrubs, bearing a white flower in spring. In autumn, these bushes bear not only attractive fall foliage (see picture, above right), but also bluish berries in clusters. They reach a height of 6'-15', with a similar spread.
Plant Care:
Remove the suckers from these bushes if you wish to keep them retained within a specific area. Likewise, if you wish to control their height, prune once per year.
Sun and Soil Requirements:
Arrowwood viburnum shrubs are nothing if not versatile. They will tolerate a range of soils, including wet soils and acidic ones. Likewise, you can grow these bushes in full sun, but you are not restricted to locations with bright sunshine: happily for homeowners not blessed with ample sunlight, these are shrubs that grow in shade (partial shade or full shade).
Uses for Arrowwood Viburnum:
Because they will tolerate wet soils, they are a good choice for areas of the yard that are too wet for many other plants. Arrowwood viburnum shrubs are also versatile in terms of aesthetics, as they are attractive in both spring and fall.
And their shade-tolerance makes them suitable in woodland gardens.
Wildlife Attracted by Arrowwood Viburnum Shrubs:
These bushes attract several types of butterflies. In addition, they provide the necessary cover to encourage wild bird activity in the yard, because they form dense thickets. The wild birds will also eat the berries.
The origin of the specific epithet, Viburnum dentatum, lies in the leaves' deeply toothed margins (dent- is the Latin stem for tooth). The common name, arrowwood viburnum shrubs, derives from the Native Americans' use of their strong, straight basal shoots as arrow shafts.
Doublefile viburnum is a showier bush to use in one's landscaping.