Top 5 Ideas On Small Space Gardening
You can have a garden even in the smallest of spaces, it will take a little planning and a lot of ingenuity but it can be done.
As a matter of fact it is being done every day.
You can have a garden in any shape or size you have the space for.
Read on for 5 wonderful innovative ideas for building your own garden.
) A Vertical Garden can save you space and maximize production.
The idea is to plant vining fruits and vegetables along fences or trellises this way you can use the existing form to allow your plant to grow upward instead of outward.
By carefully weaving the vines in and round the post, stakes or trellis openings you save space on the ground for other plants.
) Window boxes and other containers can add valuable gardening space.
All you need is a sunny location and you are ready to start gardening.
You can use boxes of different shapes and sizes.
you can place them on window sills, rooftops or along the sides of a driveway.
The boxes can be made or bought, there are a variety of materials that can be used to make your gardening dreams come true.
) Use every tiny strip of soil in the area to grow something.
A small strip of soil could be the perfect spot to grow herbs.
) Hanging pots are ideal for certain types of plants.
You can decorate the patio with pots above and below.
Tomatoes are especially good plants to plant in a hanging pot so are peppers.
Peas the run on vines can be potted in a hanging container and the trained to run along a patio beam.
) Then there is the option of what is called " square foot gardening".
This is when you build a 4x4 or 3x3 or 5x5 box and divide it into sections by the foot.
Each section will hold a different type of plant.
All of these ideas will allow you to grow the optimal amount of food in the smallest amount of space.
If you are one who has a problem with bending try a raised garden.
You can use a long table to raise the garden to waist level.
Using boxes and pallets to make the garden bed right on the table top.
For more ideas on small space garden you can go online or speak with a person at your local nursery.
You may also want to consider decorating your garden with beautiful garden statues and garden fountains to create a personalized space!