The Truth About Putting Straight - A Golf Lesson
Many times the golf lessons or golf tips we see are very intricate and call for a lot of time and effort.
Well, I've developed an easy one that can be practiced on your own time and one that will dramatically takes strokes off your game.
Putting the ball on-line can often be a daunting task.
How many times have you lined up your putt, thought it looked great only to see the ball veer immediately to the left or the right and end up no where near where you expected? Most of the time we blame our line but the reality is that we're usually just mishitting the ball and "forcing it" off-line.
The problem is that on impact our putter's face is either open (ball will go to the right) or closed (and the ball will go left).
Why do we have such a hard time sometimes in getting our putter face square on the ball? Practice and practice correctly.
If your putts miss right or left on a consistent basis, there is a very simple and easy fix.
Here's a great practice tip I picked up a long time ago that really works.
Go to the hardware store or your workshop and get a 1" dowel rod and cut it to about 4" in length.
Set the rod up so it's pointing at an imaginary target or pick a spot out on the floor.
This drill works great on hallway floors or on your kitchen linoleum and is therefore very simple to practice and does not require a lot of time travelling or effort on your part.
Now make your stroke and imagine you have about a 5-6 foot put for birdie.
A very slight mishit will cause the rod to spin off to the left or to the right.
Simply practice this drill over and over until you can make the dowel rod go straight dozens of time in a row and you'll know that you've got it down and that your putter face is square at impact.
Trust me when I tell you that just 15 minutes of practicing this putting drill will pay off way more than an hour at the clubhouse green, putting ball after ball, hoping to get your putts on-line and straightened out.
The next time you line up a putt for all the bragging rights, you'll have no fear of hitting it off line and you'll sink that putt! Thanks for reading.
Good luck, good golfing.
Fred Kaboot