The Benefits of Public Furniture
Let us consider street benches for a moment, everyone is familiar with the boring vanilla variety, we see them everywhere, stark and functional public seating that is far from pleasing on the eye.
By spending just a little more it is possible to procure public realm furniture that is not only functional, but also aesthetically pleasing.
Instead of supplying bland, unattractive public furniture it becomes possible to decorate the public space with stimulating urban furniture.
By combining high quality bespoke public furniture with café screens and other effective items of public furniture, the organization is able to create an attractive space, even in the most inflexible urban area.
Street furniture is often seen as nothing more than a basic necessity instead of a chance to landscape the urban environment making it a more attractive and interesting place in which to work and live.
Although some forms of urban furniture such as bollards and litter bins are traditionally nothing more than a basic requirement for urban life, with a little imagination and a slightly larger investment, they can be turned into interesting features, becoming a part of the landscape instead of something that merely exists to perform a prescribed function.
Public seating is specifically "targetable" for an urban landscaping exercise, by clustering coordinated urban furniture around an area that is set aside for public seating it is possible to create a small oasis in the desert of cement and tarmac, an attractive place where people will feel comfortable to sit and rest.
By procuring bespoke urban furniture as part of a renovation or landscaping exercise in a particular urban area, the organization is able to create comfortable, attractive spaces, which are far more likely to be used and cared for than a similar area put together using bland and boring urban furniture.
By imaginative use of tertiary items such as bike stands to allow cyclists to park their cycle safely and take a rest, and bollards to prevent non-pedestrian forms of traffic such as skateboarders and roller-skaters, it is possible to build an attractive yet usable area, safeguarded from accident and entirely usable.
All in all, bespoke street furniture offer a way for the urban environment to be extended and augmented, not only functionally but aesthetically.
City dwellers no longer need to live in an urban space populated by drab and dull public furniture.
Instead they can enjoy a vibrant and enthralling environment, populated with high quality bespoke public furniture.