3 Keys to a Successful Speaking Career
Being a successful speaker means selling your name along with your products and services.
Take a look at 3 of the most important strategies for doing just that.
Key 1: Focus on Building a Reputation As a consumer you know that before you purchase a product you take a look at which company has the reputation for being the best in that field.
You may check with your friends and family to find out which product they selected and why.
Before you make a purchase you make sure that the company you are dealing with has a solid reputation and track record.
The field of professional speaking is no different.
Before an individual or organization hires a speaker for their event they check around to find out who is most knowledgeable and most engaging.
It is critical that you create a name for yourself in the industry.
One of the best ways to do this is to become an expert in your niche.
You should also work on your presentation skills to ensure that you provide the most polished and dynamic presentation possible.
Don't be afraid to get out there and sell yourself as the best.
Key 2: Know Your Competition Knowing who you are up against is crucial to your success.
There is not a military strategist or sports coach out there who does not know who they are about to take on.
Take a page from their book, and learn all you can about who the top speakers are in your niche.
This can help you in many ways.
First, it will give you an idea of what is working.
Examine their methods, tools and presentations.
I am not suggesting that you steal from your competitors, but you can certainly learn from their success.
Looking at the leaders is a great place to begin.
Any information that you glean from your research should be molded to fit your style.
Be creative and unique.
Looking at your competitors can also show you where the holes in the market are.
Look at what is missing, and how you can provide it.
Key 3: Take Advantage of Current Technology Don't get stuck in old school ways of doing business.
Fully embrace the Internet and the many ways it can ignite your business.
Learn to make the most of your website, blog and social media.
It does require some effort if you are going to maximize its potential, but it is well worth it.
There is nothing like the Internet for connecting with others, marketing your products and building a rock solid reputation.
The value of using the Internet as a primary strategy in your plan for success cannot be stressed too much.
You can use to Internet to literally build a worldwide reputation.