A Few Great Healthy Foods You Can Eat Every Day
Many of us would like to pay more attention to our health.
We would like to eat healthy, exercise more, and do all the many things that we know we ought to do if we want better health.
But when it comes down to actually doing these things, we often forget, or procrastinate, or just don't know what to do.
This article will show you several things that you can do very easily on a daily basis.
To be more specific, we will give you a few ideas for healthy foods that taste great that you can eat every day.
Cream cheese You can eat it with fruit, crackers, bread, or in a variety of different ways.
Cream cheese is a great protein source, and it makes a great snack or meal.
If you want to make something a little more complex, you can make a fruit pizza with cream cheese.
Just make whole wheat pie crust, roll it out, spread a cream cheese topping on it, and add fresh fruit on top.
Just make sure that you don't add sugar to any of it, and your little creation will be very healthy.
Peanut butter Peanut butter is another food that makes a great snack or meal.
And you can eat it with apples, bread, crackers, or a variety of other foods.
It is a great protein source, plus contains other healthy nutrients.
Fruits By replacing unhealthy snack foods with fruits, you can cut down on your intake of fattening, unhealthy foods, while a adding fruits high in nutrients to your diet.
Many fruits are loaded with vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants.
The ads you may have seen on TV advertising grape juice as an antioxidant product may be slightly exaggerated, but eating lots of fruits will certainly help you get lots of antioxidants.
We would like to eat healthy, exercise more, and do all the many things that we know we ought to do if we want better health.
But when it comes down to actually doing these things, we often forget, or procrastinate, or just don't know what to do.
This article will show you several things that you can do very easily on a daily basis.
To be more specific, we will give you a few ideas for healthy foods that taste great that you can eat every day.
Cream cheese You can eat it with fruit, crackers, bread, or in a variety of different ways.
Cream cheese is a great protein source, and it makes a great snack or meal.
If you want to make something a little more complex, you can make a fruit pizza with cream cheese.
Just make whole wheat pie crust, roll it out, spread a cream cheese topping on it, and add fresh fruit on top.
Just make sure that you don't add sugar to any of it, and your little creation will be very healthy.
Peanut butter Peanut butter is another food that makes a great snack or meal.
And you can eat it with apples, bread, crackers, or a variety of other foods.
It is a great protein source, plus contains other healthy nutrients.
Fruits By replacing unhealthy snack foods with fruits, you can cut down on your intake of fattening, unhealthy foods, while a adding fruits high in nutrients to your diet.
Many fruits are loaded with vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants.
The ads you may have seen on TV advertising grape juice as an antioxidant product may be slightly exaggerated, but eating lots of fruits will certainly help you get lots of antioxidants.