Make Him Fall Head Over Heels in Three Simple Steps
The stakes are high and so you don't want to take a misstep.
These three tips will make your dream guy fall head over heels in love with you.
Be unattainable Sure, you may think that becoming unattainable is the opposite of what it takes to get you to your desired end result.
But in all actuality, women are more successful with men when they play hard to get.
Men love a challenge and nothing is more desirable to them than a woman who represents a challenge.
Don't make it too easy for him to win you over.
Make him work for it instead.
You don't have to be mean to play hard to get.
Just don't make yourself too available.
Give him time to miss you when you are not around and think about the good thing that he's got.
Focus on him No, don't fawn all over him and start drooling on yourself.
Just focus your attention on him when you are together and make him feel like he is the most important thing in the world.
This way, he will enjoy your presence and know that you think he is special.
Also, he will miss you when you aren't around.
Woo him Guys get the short end of the stick in some cases because they rarely get to be wooed.
If you really want to impress your guy why don't you send him flowers? Guys send flowers to women all of the time, but they never get to receive them.
He will be so flattered that you cared and it will make you really stick out in his mind as a different and special kind of girl.
Finally, if you really want to make him head over heels for you, be yourself.
Guys know when women are being phony with them or when girls are only after them for their money.
If the guy that you love knows that you are a genuine woman he'll definitely want to get to know you more and trust you with his heart.