Indoor Air Guidelines
- The chief pollutants of indoor air are chemical, mainly from cleaning products and pesticides; biological, such as toxic mold; gaseous, such as radon gas in basements and the byproducts of gas heating or cooking appliances; structural, including chemicals used in building materials; and personal, including the use of tobacco products.
- Any cleaning product that warns you to "use only in a well-ventilated area" is potentially dangerous to your health; aerosol spray cleaners disperse the chemical farther and are therefore more dangerous. Use pump instead of aerosol sprays for cleaners, and try using substitutes such as baking soda or liquid dish soap that are not sprayed. Chlorine bleach is effective in a weak solution, and it is relatively easy on the air quality. Do not use spray insecticides or the long-acting professional kind that is sprayed around baseboards. Choose boric acid powders or gels or roach traps instead to control bug infestations. When you bring clothes home from the dry cleaners, or purchase any new plastic item such as a memory foam mattress pad, allow the items to air out, preferably outside, until they have no detectable odor.
- Toxic mold spores can be a health hazard and can even be deadly to sensitive or allergic individuals. Keep dampness out of your house with dehumidifiers and exhaust fans in the kitchen and bathroom areas. Ventilate the roof. Repair leaking faucets or pipes immediately; move rain-soaked carpeting out of the house before mold can get started. Using a mild chlorine bleach solution as part of your cleaning routine will stop much mold in its tracks. If you find mold, do not try to clean it yourself; have it professionally removed. If you rent, insist that your landlord have it professionally removed; amateur mold removal can cause more spores to be released, making the problem worse.
- Commercial kits are available to test for the presence of radon gas, a naturally occurring pollutant formed by radioactive soil that might surround your home. Radon tends to collect in basements; the testing kit will give you the details of where to test. Carbon monoxide detectors are important in homes that use gas cooking stoves or water heaters in the living area, or in a space contiguous with the living area, such as a basement or attached garage. Use a CO detector if anyone parks in your attached garage, too. Monitoring and ventilation will help you keep dangerous levels of these gases from collecting in your home.
- New building construction can greatly contribute to indoor air pollution, as the materials "outgas" or release their chemical components into the air. Plastics, adhesives, walling, and flooring are among materials that may release formaldehyde and other toxins into the air; extra ventilation may be needed until the materials have "aged." Older construction materials will not outgas, but may be made of asbestos (ceiling and floor tiles, house shingles, insulation) or lead (plumbing, paint.) Your home assessment may include information about asbestos. Have other structural materials tested that can release pollutants into the air, especially before you attempt to renovate. Never use outdoor paint on an indoor surface.
- The worst and most obvious offender for indoor air quality is smoke. Do not allow anyone to smoke inside your home. Post signs, remove ash trays, and tell all family members to help you enforce this rule. Even the amount of smoke that clings to clothing when outdoor smokers go back inside can be a source of air pollution. Try to socialize with smoking guests at an open-air restaurant or outdoor events but not in your home.
- Be sure to open up the windows in your home and let fresh air in for at least a few minutes each day, even in the winter. This is especially important if you weatherproof your house, sealing air leaks around windows and doors. Use exhaust fans to push stale air out; fresh air will be drawn in, even if you do not open a window. House plants will help process out pollutants, but are only effective for a few feet. Green plants are most useful near sleeping areas