Searching For the Perfect Loan
There isn't anything wrong with borrowing money to finance your purchases, as long as you do it wisely.
There are good things that you can buy with credit.
Your home, your education and a reliable vehicle.
These are items that give you more than you pay for them.
But taking out a loan to buy unnecessary items isn't very wise.
A new boat, clothes and dinner out are all things you can wait for.
The perfect loan is for smart items -- items that give back to you.
When you are thinking of taking out a loan to purchase something, the first thing you should do is sit down and assess how much of a loan you can afford.
Yes, a lender can tell you this, but a lender doesn't know your spending habits as well as you do.
Only you will know if you can afford the monthly payment or not.
The lender is only looking at numbers, you need to look at both the numbers and your life.
Once you know how much of a loan you can afford, you should research your options.
If you are looking for a mortgage, you need to decide what type of mortgage you need -- fixed or adjustable, 15 year or 30 year.
Do a little research on what is the best option for you.
There are plenty of articles online that will help you determine the best mortgage for you.
Once you have decided what type of loan you need, you can start the actual search.
If you are looking for a car loan, a cattle note or student loans, one of the best ways to research your options is to get on the phone and start calling around.
But don't forget to search the Internet as well.
Call your local lenders as well as larger national lenders.
Often, local lenders will offer you just as good, or better rates as the national lenders.
Call your local bank and make sure that they know that you are a current customer when asking for rates.
Make sure that you are dealing with well-known lenders.
If you haven't heard of the lender before, you need to check them out thoroughly.
Lending scams are more and more popular.
Sometimes, the perfect loan isn't necessarily the one with the best interest rate.
Look for at the terms that fit your situation.
Personally, we often go with a longer term loan (which usually carries a higher interest rate) as a safety measure.
We always repay it early, either when we have extra money or by talking extra principal to each payment.
This gives us the certainty that if an emergency happens, we can still afford the monthly payment.
The higher interest rate doesn't hurt us because we pay it off as quickly as possible.
When doing this, you must be certain that there are no prepayment penalties for the loan.
The best way to find the perfect loan is to be informed.
Know what type of loan you are looking for, what types of loans that lenders offer and what the best terms are for you.
You should also know what your credit score is, so that if you have great credit, you know to ask for the best terms.