What You Need To Know About The Leasing Option For A Car Loan
Regardless of where you are in the world, the process of applying for vehicle finance is pretty much the same. To find a place that offers great deals on financing you can search the web for car loans Melbourne to give you places that are situated locally. Once you have a list of the available places then you can decide which one will give you the best possible deal. Leasing options are always the most affordable on a monthly basis, if you are unable to put down a big deposit upfront. A lease is basically like a rental option that you have for a fix period of time. The banks or finance institutions usually offer a 3 to 5 year payment plan, in which you will need to continue making payments for the entire duration of the loan. At the end of the finance period there is usually a final balance that still needs to be paid over. This is called a residual or balloon payment. You would then need to return the car, re-finance the final amount or simply pay it off as a single balloon payment. The whole idea is that you get access to a new car at an affordable rate, and you then have time to put money aside to make the final payment at the end or re-finance that small balance over the next 2 to 3 years while you continue to use your car. A lot of people are put off by the balloon payment at the end, but you need to remember that you are getting a new car right now, without having to wait for the deposit and without having to pay a large sum of cash up front.
Make sure you have a good credit rating before you apply, and ensure you have all the relevant documents with you when you get there. Try get pre-approved for a specific amount so you know what price range you are looking at and then all you need to do is find the car you really like.