Lacking Sufficient Capital? Fund Your Business With Small Business Loans
Very often self-employed professionals, corporations, firms, etc. run short of funds or unable to meet their financial goals to either start or expand their businesses. What is the next step then?
In such cases, business loans can provide you a solution and save you from the financial hiccups that may come across your path. Various banks and financial institutions across India provide such loans to meet your business financial goals and requirements at affordable rates. These institutions charge a nominal rate, known as interest which has to be paid back after a certain period of time.
These loans are not limited to a specific cause and there may be a number of variables involved, such as shortfall of capital, expanding the business in terms of infrastructure, etc. The amount of interest differs and is pre-determined by the prime rate which is set by the Federal Reserve Bank, the recipients credit history, ventures risk involved, etc.
Loans for business purposes are quite common, especially with the increase in the number of small scale businesses and entrepreneurships. There are many different types of small business loans which are offered.
Some of these loans are taken for different purposes such as:
Professional: These are usually taken for self-employed professionals such as a business man, a doctor, interior decorator, architect, etc. They are unsecured and are not given to trading, manufacturing or processing units.
Trade loans: These are provided to traders or businessmen so that it may help them if they want to start a new business and/or expand an existing one.
Short-or Long-term loans: While short-term loans are taken to meet short-term capital requirements and are paid back within a year; long-term loans are taken by well established businesses to meet their financial needs and are paid back within 3-5 years.
Intermediate: These are taken for businesses if they need capital to buy equipment/increase their working capital, build inventory, etc.
Micro loans: These refer to small loans which are given to set up a new business venture.
Furthermore, there may a variety of other types such as cash loans, equipment leasing loans, credit card loans or Government loans.
The maximum amount for small business loans varies/differs from bank to bank as well as the interest rate, but the fact remains that they provide a complete boon for young businessmen or entrepreneurs who are trying to make their way and start a business of their own.