6 Important Keys To Surviving The End Times
Key 1: Have A Solid Foundation
Regardless of your religious or denominational affiliation, if your faith is not supported by a solid understanding of your religion, your spiritual foundation is unstable. An example would be a teacher teaching a subject that they do not fully believe in. Many attempt to do this but is unsuccessful. Any belief system first requires its believers to whole-heartedly believe in its principles, virtues and concepts. As with the Christian faith, Jesus taught that His followers believe in Him, His Word and Principles 100 percent. Jesus knew that His followers were going to be sent among hostility, so in order to prepare them for the coming storm and descent, He taught this fundamental teaching. Likewise, end time believers must be rooted and grounded in the Christian faith and beliefs.
Key 2: Study The Word Of God
In almost all Christian denominations, there is a widespread belief that the word of God, or scripture, IS God. Most believers derive this thought from the book of John, the apostle. How can we be strong in these last days without knowledge of what it en-tells? How can a person sincerely say that they know God without knowing His word? If His word is Him, one must apparently know His word to know him. Without this, that individual is limited to knowing about Him. The Holy Bible distinctively describes end time events in the coming last days. It also provides knowledge on how to be strong and survive in them. Without consistent studying of the scriptures, the believer will be consistently defeated, especially in hard times and times of persecution. The bible states that in the last days, the saints of God will be persecuted. Christians have to be aware of the teachings of Jesus by studying His word on a consistent basis.
Key 3: Consistent Prayer
The bible states that "man must always pray". The apostle Paul states that we as believers can "come boldly before the throne of grace". In Christianity, the belief in Jesus Christ gives an individual the unadulterated right to stand before God the father without shame. Through belief in Jesus Christ, Christians are able to boldly approach God the father through prayer and relationship. This is ground breaking in thought, when compared to other religions. Being that we have been granted with this unfathomable right or gift, we as believers can not take it lightly. In order to survive in the end times, people are going to have to have a consistent prayer life. Your relationship with God depends on it. How can you sincerely say that you have a good relationship with someone with whom you do not speak to on a consistent basis?
Key 4: Faith Walk
A well known scripture reads that "without faith, it is impossible to please God". Amen. Faith is the foundation of Christianity. It started with faith and it will also end in faith. A person is not considered a Christian unless they first believe, through faith, that Jesus was who He said he was, the son of God. By this same measurement, believers will have to rely on their faith to get them through the end times. Jesus said that if believers have the faith of a mustard seed, they can move mountains. If you read the book of Revelations and the book of Daniel, they vividly describe end time markers and events. When these books were written, they were written with the mindset that these events would happen in the future. We are living in that time. There is a majority consensus among theologians and church leaders that we are definitely living in the last days. With that being said, we must trust the word of God and know that our redemption draweth nigh. Revelations 12:11-"And they overcame him by the blood of the lamb and by the word of their testimony and they loved not their lives unto death".
Key 5: Rely On Your Redemption
Be confident in who you are. You, as a Christian, are a child of the most high God. After studying His word, you will see that God has provided His children with a way out or escape. We are not appointed to the wrath that's to come upon the earth in these end time days. The escape that He has provided is known as the "Rapture". The church is divided, through denominations, on the legitimacy of the Rapture through scripture. After studying the word of God, most Christians believe in this coming event. The rapture is an event that is scheduled to occur, by Jesus returning through the sky, to call up every one of His followers. The scripture states that we will "be transformed" instantaneously. This transformation is identical to the transformation of Jesus witnessed by His followers on the Mount of Transfiguration. It's also known as a "glorified body", in which the bible speaks. This event is due to happen prior to the Great Tribulation, when all Hell is due to break loose upon the earth.
Key 6: Walk The Walk
Walk the walk and not just talk the talk. This is one of my favorite quotes. Jesus said, "if you love me, keep my commandments". Obedience to the word of God is critical in a person's level of spirituality. The bible states that obedience is better than any sacrifice given. An example would be in the book of Matthew. Jesus states that if a believer tries to bring a gift or sacrifice to the alter of God, but he has ought, bitterness, unforgiveness or the like, in his heart, that God will not accept his gift. In Philippians 2:13, the scripture states "For it is God which worketh in you both to will and to do of his good pleasure." Through Jesus and His Holy Spirit living in us, we are able to do the will of the father. Wow! Our obedience to His word is directly related to living a blessed life, especially in the end times. The bible states that Jesus is only coming back in the rapture for those that are "looking for His coming". It is hard for others to notice that a proclaiming Christian is actually looking for and anticipating the coming of their Lord if they are doing, living and walking in sin. The two of these are antagonistic toward each other. True believers are looking for the coming of God and show this by their obedience to His word. If walking in obedience, a follower of Christ can be confident and at peace in the last days.