Using Twitter For Your Marketing Efforts
You will also know that without traffic, you and your website are nothing in the online world.
Now because of the rise of twitter, it has become the centre or the best social website for your online business.
This is because of the concept that you tweet, and everybody who is following will get the message instantly.
Facebook has also this unique feature; however Facebook takes quite a long time to set up and find the right friends etc that twitter has shown to be better for your marketing efforts.
Here is how to use twitter for your marketing efforts to top potential.
What you would want to do is have at least 2,000 followers, which can be gained very easily, by following 2,000 people.
So after you have your 2,000 followers, the second step is to tweet about something very valuable.
Give content, free articles, or eBooks that can help them in their marketing efforts.
Make yourself look like an expert.
After that, once you are seen as the guru, you should create a landing page with the name and email box so that the visitors can opt in their name and email address.
Also a hint, remember to give away something for free after they opt in anything that can help them in their business.
So your landing page is done now, what you would want to do is post the link on your twitter page, tweet the link.
You should see something dramatic, as tests have shown this way more and more people would be interested in entering their name and email address because they trust you.
So now you should have at least out of your 2,000 followers 300 people's name and email addresses.
Since you are a network marketer, you should understand the importance of having an email list, and so your eyes should be wide open in amazement now with what you can achieve with twitter.