Perfect Gift ForNewborn Child, Grandchild, Adopted Child, Adult Or Any Age!
It's always a major problem finding an original gift for a newborn baby, adopted child, grandchild or a close relative.
It's next to impossible to find something they don't already have.
Not only is this costly, but it usually turns out to be meaningless.
How often have you visited a relative or friend to find tons of clothing and toys in a child's room and throughout the house? Those so called "play stations" in every room have replaced the playpens that our previous generations used for the purpose of "parking" the little guy when the door bell rang.
God forbid, don't you know that those playpens can traumatize a child's development and create an isolation syndrome!? Are we so brainwashed by all the marketing hype that we must prove that we are caring parents by cluttering the house with stuff from "Baby's R Us"? It appears to have masked our parental instinct by allowing a toddler to take over our surroundings completely.
What happened to developing a child's curiosity and dexterity by allowing him to dig up your garden or ransack through your cabinets? Those pots and pans make wonderful musical instruments.
Maybe it's time to rethink the value of your next gift for your beloved child, godchild, adopted child or grandchild? How often have you said: "I hope you don't have this gift already? Of course, you can always exchange it for something else.
" You meant well, but how many more teddy bears, Barbie dolls, Lego sets can a child enjoy? It's time to give a gift of true enduring value.
What better gift to give to someone you love than a gift of health? The parents will love you forever! The child will remember you fondly the rest of his or her life.
By the way, this gift is excellent for all ages.
It's next to impossible to find something they don't already have.
Not only is this costly, but it usually turns out to be meaningless.
How often have you visited a relative or friend to find tons of clothing and toys in a child's room and throughout the house? Those so called "play stations" in every room have replaced the playpens that our previous generations used for the purpose of "parking" the little guy when the door bell rang.
God forbid, don't you know that those playpens can traumatize a child's development and create an isolation syndrome!? Are we so brainwashed by all the marketing hype that we must prove that we are caring parents by cluttering the house with stuff from "Baby's R Us"? It appears to have masked our parental instinct by allowing a toddler to take over our surroundings completely.
What happened to developing a child's curiosity and dexterity by allowing him to dig up your garden or ransack through your cabinets? Those pots and pans make wonderful musical instruments.
Maybe it's time to rethink the value of your next gift for your beloved child, godchild, adopted child or grandchild? How often have you said: "I hope you don't have this gift already? Of course, you can always exchange it for something else.
" You meant well, but how many more teddy bears, Barbie dolls, Lego sets can a child enjoy? It's time to give a gift of true enduring value.
What better gift to give to someone you love than a gift of health? The parents will love you forever! The child will remember you fondly the rest of his or her life.
By the way, this gift is excellent for all ages.