Ideas for Building Your Own Custom Motorcycle Helmet
- Custom building your own motorcycle helmet lets you express yourself.latina rider image by Leticia Wilson from
Wearing a motorcycle helmet can save your life but to some it's an unattractive accessory. Fortunately, there are a variety of ways to custom build your own helmet to reflect your personal style. Design your motorcycle helmet by adding artwork, using state colors, tattoos and mohawks. - Using custom artwork to personalize your helmet can be achieved by adding picture or word stickers, patches and rhinestones. Use paint to airbrush a custom design. This technique can be challenging but you can always hire a professional. Airbrushing with paint gives pictures or slogans a wide range of colors, shading and detail. Another option is to paint one of your own masterpieces on your helmet. Common artwork seen on bikers helmets are wolves, skulls, flames, and dragons.
- Some motorcyclists want to show their patriotic side by painting their state colors, flag or a state motto on their helmet. Painting landmarks such as the Statue of Liberty can also reflect your homeland. Bikers take long road trips and like to let people know where they are from and how far they have traveled.
- Applying tattoos to your helmet is another unique way of customizing it. Some bikers even have matching tattoos on their arms, backs or chests. This is also a good way to claim your property; if someone thinks your helmet is theirs you can simply show your matching tattoos. Pay tribute to someone special by tattooing their name to your helmet or have their picture painted on.
- Mohawks not only add flare to your helmet but they act as a safety feature as well. You can choose from a multitude of bright colors and really stand out from the crowd. The safety component of the mohawk is its visibility. Many times when a biker is involved in an accident with a car, drivers claim they did not see the motorcyclist. By adding this flashy add-on you can lessen your chances of having a driver hit you.