6 Unexpected Benefits From Writing My Blog
But if have since found a number of exciting side benefits that are coming about as a result of writing my blog.
- First, I have made a number of great new contacts with other people doing business online.
I have posted comments on other blogs and some people have posted to my blog.
Not only has this generated a lot of idea sharing, it is opening a whole new world of networking in addition to making contacts in the offline world. - The written material I have produced is now taking on new forms.
I have submitted several of the ideas I wrote about on my blog to offline publications as magazine articles.
The blog writing has become an idea generator for me that produces ideas that can morph into other types of material. - My blog posts also become online articles.
Often I will make a few changes and then submit these same articles to article submission sites like EzineArticles.
These online articles all have my links, which point back to my site.
Then the next stage occurs and other webmasters or ezine publishers use my articles to post as content for their own sites.
And all of these have links pointing back to my site.
This is the viral effect of publishing articles online. - My body of work is taking shape to become a book.
I have always wanted to write a book, and even though I love to write, tackling a book just overwhelmed me.
Now, almost without my noticing it, my blog is becoming the material I need to turn into a publishable, offline book.
I fully expect it to be complete within the next 12 months or less. - Back to the morphing effect.
After taking a look at what I have written on my blog, I am now reworking it to become several workshops and even speeches.
Same material, same ideas, just a different form.
(I am now looking for a good seminar sponsor, so I would be very grateful for any emails that could point me in the right direction.
See my email address below.
) - And of course, my blog is generating business.
Between the online articles, the blog and the soon-to-be-published magazine articles, my business plan is all coming together.
The benefits are incredible, and they just keep coming.
COPYRIGHT(C)2006, Charles Brown.
All rights reserved.