How to Build a 75-gallon Fish Tank Stand
- 1). Prepare your wood. Sand the plywood and 2-by-4s with a fine grit sandpaper. Brush away any sawdust. Stain your wood if you wish it to be stained, using a wood stain. Allow it to dry. Seal the wood using an outdoor wood sealer, such as a deck sealer. Allow the sealer to dry completely. The sealer will protect the wood of the stand from water damage.
- 2). Cut three pieces of cardboard that measure 8-by-16 inches each. These pieces will be used to protect your flooring from the cinder blocks. Place these three pieces of cardboard where you wish to set up your tank stand. The cardboard should be spaced 13 inches apart from one another with the 8-inch sides parallel with the wall and the 16-inch sides parallel to one another.
- 3). Place your first three cinder blocks on top of the cardboard pieces with the holes down.
- 4). Place the first piece of plywood on top of the first row of cinder blocks. Center the plywood for best stability.
- 5). Place the second layer of cinder blocks on top of the plywood layer. Ensure the blocks are lined up with the ones on the first layer to ensure stability. Repeat with the third layer of cinder blocks. When this process is complete, you will have three columns of three cinder blocks each with a layer of plywood between the first and second row.
- 6). Place your 2-by-4s on top. These boards should be evenly spaced over top of the last row of cinder blocks. This placement will add more strength to your tank stand. Place your second piece of plywood on top of the plywood.
- 7). Ensure that everything is evenly spaced and centered before setting up your tank stand.