How a Blog Help Me Quit My Day Job
As a matter of fact, I was almost the poster child for the person that lived paycheck to paycheck.
Unfortunately, my paychecks were so small at times that it was difficult to make it stretch until the next one came in.
Like most people, I started looking for a way to earn a little bit of extra money and the Internet seemed like the perfect opportunity.
After all, I had a little bit of free time in the evening, even though I was limited to a certain extent.
I had heard about how a lot of people were making extra money on the Internet without putting any effort into it at all.
Unfortunately, those rumors turned out to be a little bit skewed but the simple fact of the matter is, it is possible to make money on the Internet.
You need to understand that doing so is a business, much the same as any other business where you earn money.
If you work at your Internet marketing business, you're going to make money.
If you just sit back and wait for the money to come to you, you're going to end up disappointed.
Fortunately, I started out on the right foot and the first thing that I did was to put up a WordPress blog on my own domain.
It was a little bit of a risk, but to tell you the honest truth, I only spent about $20 in order to get the whole thing done so it wasn't as if I was really putting my neck out on the line.
I joined an online tutorial website that helped to walk me through the entire process of setting my WordPress blog up properly from the start.
I am really glad that I took the time to do this because I couldn't imagine going in and making all of those changes after I had already been posting information for quite some time.
By teaching me the right way to go, the website that I had joined help me to get traffic to my website on the very first day that I began posting information.
This was amazing to me and my first sale came within 24 hours of starting.
If you want to make money on the Internet as well, put a little bit of work into getting your WordPress blog set up.
Just make sure that you have it set up properly from the start so you can begin making money quickly instead of waiting for it.