Facebook Etiquette: How It Can Help Gain Friends
And, because of the growing population on the online users, social media become a big hit.
Facebook is known as one of the top social networking site these days.
If you are a Facebook user, you must have already known how powerful it is to connect to a lot of different individuals.
It allows you to make friends, find friends and even lost friends.
That is the reason why it is vital to be extra cautious when using your Facebook account.
The importance of being responsible in all you do will keep you away from any trouble in the future, and at the same time get some friends very quickly.
You need to have the right etiquette when you are using Facebook.
Even though, that looks weird but, yes, you need to be responsible in using your account.
If, you don't want to be called rude by your friends in Facebook; you should know the good manners in using social media sites.
Always Be Careful on What You Post When you are in Facebook, and you have a hundred or a thousand friends, it is most likely that all of those people have different personalities and personas.
And when you update your status with a statement that may look okay to you, but, to others, it can be a little different.
So, you should always be careful and take consideration on the words that you would want to say on Facebook.
Words are powerful; you may both create or lost friends.
It can either make or break a person.
If you are not so sure about what you want to post, write it down first.
If you think that it is offensive, rewrite and look at it again.
It may take a while, but at least you would not make your friends mad.
If you think that the post is personal, just go with the chat.
That would be safer than writing on the wall.
Reply to the Comments that You Get If you would post a status in Facebook, there is a big chance that your friends may comment on it and 'like' it.
So, at least you can acknowledge them by replying something to their comments, especially when comments are all directed to you.
That is easy to do but hard to manage to do all of the time.
If you got the time, comment on their post every once in a while.
If you keep ignoring them all of the time in their comments, without a doubt, they won't bother about commenting to your status anymore.
Don't be a Stalker and Post Comments on Every Status Looking that the post of your friends is fine.
But, being a creepy stalker and comment on every one of their post is not really good for your relationship with your friends.
Everyone hates people like that.
They would think that you are weird.
Sooner or later, they go away from you because of your odd behavior.
So, don't make into a habit making some comments on every post your friends make or they'll start to go away from you.
By taking into consideration the given Facebook etiquette tips above, there is no doubt that you will be able to build a good relationship with your friends on the world's most used social networking site.