How Does the Sun Change My Skin?
Changes and variations in the skin color are due to one of the certain reasons like melanin enhancement due to excessive exposure to sunlight, because sunlight is solely responsible for maintenance of a skin pigment called melanin. The melanin should work in a regulatory manner, if the amount increases than skin color gets darkened and that is the reason most of the time people have variations of skin colors geographically as the sun rays and its frequency keeps changing from one area to another.
There are many conditions causing changes in skin color like albinism, depigmentation, vitiligo, infections, melanomas, cancer, burns etc. The immune suppression of skin cells is another source of producing skin lesions and thus leading to discolorations. A skin lesion may be of primary or secondary depending upon the nature and area of formation as well as manifestations.
Primary lesions are classified as
1. Macula and patch
2. People and plaque
3. Vesicles and Bulla
4. Fissures, erosions and ulcers
5. Vesicle
6. Bulla
7. Cyst
8. Erosion
9. Ulcer
10. Fissure
11. Wheal
12. Telangiectasia
13. Burrow
Secondary lesions are classified as
1. Scale Crust
2. Lichenification
3. Excoriation
4. Inauguration
5. Atrophy
6. Maceration
7. Umbilication
People who are at risk for lesion formation are almost outdoor candidates like agricultural workers, farmers, horticultural workers, maintenance workers, pipeline workers, ranchers, athletes, fishermen, landscapers, military personnel, police, traffic police, postal carriers, sailors, construction workers, greens keepers
These skin lesions have multiple causes which are aroused out of internal and external factors in the body.Internal factors are those coming under diseases, immune disorders and physiological changes occur within the body and external conditions are exposure to strong UV rays, sunlight, radiation, drugs, infections etc. Apart from the above mentioned causes, there are some phenomenon like pigmentation and a genetic factors and disorders related to cancer, blood, liver, urinary system and obesity are also contributing to this type of illnesses.
A wide range of manifestations can be seen in discoloration of skin due to some lesions like Pale Skin due to decreased oxyhemoglobin after lesion gets broken, Redness is secondary to scratching, itching, sunburns after a lesion formed Orange Skin is common due to carotene factors and excessive consumption of this food. Yellowishness is secondary to Jaundice.
On the other side a skin lesion can be malignant or it is benign, a benign is generally a temporary condition and easy to treat where as a malignant condition might become a skin cancer needing serious interventions as well as dedication in managing.The malignant condition may be relapsed type with some permanent changes In the skin color.
There is quite a number of evidences to prove that there is a close relationship between sunlight, lesions and skin discoloration due to the lesions. Sun light has got various types of radiation like
1. Visible light, or the light which we see out
2. Infrared radiation, which is bit dangerous and
3. Ultraviolet (UV) radiation, the most harmful on direct exposure
When the deepest ultraviolet radiation reaches our skin, it will be scattered into the skin tissues and some amount of radiation gets absorbed by the dermal cell layers of the skin and causing various primary and secondary lesions. This sort of mechanism would also lead to melanin hyperpigmentation and changes in the malanocyte activity leading to the excessive or decreased production of melanin and finally end up having discoloration of skin.
The UV Index is an index used to explain the ability of dermal layers to defend ultraviolet rays activities and effects on skin cells, the index shows a low level of 2 or less, moderate level between 3 and 5 high level between 6 and 7, very high between 8 and 10 and extreme level is greater than.
Since we know the basic causes of how lesions can form and what factors can contribute to skin lesions, it is easy to follow certain tips and health practices which reduce maximum risk from lesions.It is advisable to have proper personal hygiene, avoid unnecessary sunlight exposure, chemicals need to be kept safely, oxidants and some vitamin supplements, preventing exposure to communicable disorders of skin etc has to be strictly followed
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