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Yoga : Health & Medical
Five Tips for Better Meditation
During Yoga sessions, meditation is usually practiced near the end of class. Some Yoga teachers are very strict about the exact procedure, while others take a more casual approach. In "The Journey of Awakening: A Meditator's Guidebook," Ram Dass - American psychologist and spiritual t
Losing Weight Through Yoga
Yoga can be about more than just achieving better spiritual health and having a healthier glow.You can use yoga to help you lose weight.Of course, you probably already have noticed that yoga can help a person to achieve a tone and lean body.But it can also be of great help when you are trying to get
Gain Calm, Sleep Better With Yoga - Hot Yoga
For centuries those who enjoyed the physical and mental benefits of yoga and hot yoga lived mostly in Asia. Over the past 175 years, however, these disciplines have spread their marvelous gifts completely around the globe.
Extend Your Life With Exercise
Exercise happens with any activity that you participate in. It doesn't have to be regimented and you don't have to go to the gym. It can be something that you truly enjoy doing.
Does Meditation Really Work?
What happens when society is introduced to something new? It's a fad, new religion, for baby boomers it was 'far out man'.
Attain a Higher Level of Consciousness
Mindfulness meditation is becoming more and more popular because of the many benefits it provides meditators. Mindfulness meditation enables meditators to achieve a higher form of consciousness that allows them to become a happier, relaxed, and stress-free person.
Stretches That Help Relieve Back Pain
Exercises are essential for proper body health. That is why they are emphasized for all school going kids and people of all ages. Not only do they help you keep fit, they also improve the way your body responds to certain situations such as attack by diseases. They make your body strong and increase
Avoiding Kundalini Meditation Extremes
People have suffered dire consequences of sudden Kundalini awakening. Does this mean you should stay away fromone of the most profound spiritual experience a human being can ever have? There is a method and practice to avoid the extreme of Kundalini energy surge.
The Purpose of Yoga- Cultivating More Seeds of Success Tips
When a Yoga student is taught how to practice Yoga off the mat, self-realization will change his or her perspective of life.People, who are successful, do not wait for opportunity to come "knocking on their doors."
Types of Yoga in India
The word Yoga derives from the ancient Sanscrit word "yug," which means unification. According to His Holiness Sri Swami Sivananda, founder of the Divine Life Society, yoga is the unification of the soul with the Divine Reality or the Supreme Soul. Yoga is a philosophy based upon the Laws...
Aromatherapy and Meditation - Pranic or Rainbow Light Breathing
Learning to use your breath to cleanse your energy system is the initial first step to take for Clearing, Balancing and Charging all of your 7 Major Energy Centers, or Chakras. Your daily thoughts of judgment and emotional reactions to life situations, as well as environmental toxins create a build
Becoming A Professional Kundalini Yoga Instructor
In the year 1969, Master Yogi Brahan brought Kundalini Yoga to the west and since then it has gained immense popularity in all parts of the world. Kundalini is usually associated with a special coiled snake. Kundalini teaching is basically based on the energy reservoir which is located at the base o
Yoga Retreats - How to Choose the Right One
Do you want to retreat into yourself or have a social outdoor adventure? Some centers have several groups intermingling at meals, at the pool, dance parties, or are centrally located in a town with street noise, music, etc.
The Dangers of Bad Yoga
Any experienced yoga teachers will tell you that yoga asanas, or poses, are but a small component of what yoga is about. There are so many subtle, yet crucial practices that we tend to overlook, such as yamas and niyamas (ethical living guidelines), mantras (chats and uplifting sounds) and pranayama
Meditation is Good For You
As a person who has tried a few different meditation practices I do have an opinion about meditation. There are even scientific studies that show the benefits of meditation such as stress reduction.
Consider Yoga As Part of Your Core Exercise Routine For Sculpted Abs and a Flatter Stomach
There are several, traditional core exercises that have proven results, when it comes to sculpted abs and a flatter stomach. These include ab crunches, leg lifts, squats and lunges.
Yoga Not For You? Think Again
For beginners, doing yoga may seem an impossible task. It might seem scary for people who have not tried doing this exercise. Yoga is among the oldest practice for self-development. Its approach is gentle, helping even the stiffest bodies to yield and become flexible in a gentle way. The key to yoga
What is Meditation? The Answer is in the Question
Meditation is an ancient practice designed to free your mind from the enslavement of your ego. By ego I mean in the way that you identify with your sense of self.In the ordinary world view our sense of self is defined by our ego which feels, acts, has a physical body, a personality and is a separate
What is a Body Meditation?
A body meditation is the kind of meditation that allows you to focus on your body while being in a comfortable position.Just like any other forms of meditation, there is no right or wrong method in performing it.