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Photography : Society & Culture & Entertainment

Declawing Cats - Cat Scratching Post Australia

In fact, just about any human-animal role reversal would be interesting. Declawing cats is actually illegal in many countries, including England. There is an active campaign in the United States for its ban as well. ...

Learn Tips & Techniques for the Best Macro Photography Lighting

As a way of documenting the world around us or as a form of artistic expression, photography has developed into a pervasive part of contemporary life. For many photographers, finding an image and subject that hasn't been photographed before offers real thrills, and thus, many photographers have turn

Learn Photo Editing: 26 Professional Photoshop Tutorials

26 Professional Photoshop Tutorials: Hi, my name is Patrick and I'm a professional graphic artist, photo editor, colorist (photo & video) and photographer. My main goal with this site is to teach you how you ...

Ultimate List of Photo Booth Prop Ideas

Ultimate list of photo booth prop ideas is below. If you are having a photo booth at your upcoming event, then you should seriously considering adding some props into the mix. They are great at adding

The 10,000 Hour Rule in Photography

I read about this 10,000 hour rule sometime back in a book, and felt like sharing it on my blog. It may give you an idea about how much time you can spend on photography to become a master in it.

Tips For Breaking Into Freelance Newspaper Photography

Once you've honed your photography skills where you're confident you can get a good picture, consider freelancing for a newspaper. If you understand the needs of publications and have the skills described here, you can break into freelancing for newspapers.

Get Real Life Pictures in Smart Ways

Most of us prefer to capture special moments of our lives such as marriages, anniversaries, birthdays besides academic and work feats with the help of a camera. Whatever the reason or occasion may be, a high-quality camera can help to memorise these special days.

Using Exposure Blending to Improve Your Landscape Photography

When taking landscape photographs, it can often be difficult to capture the entire tonal range of a scene, in one photo. Exposing a photo to keep the details in a bright sunset sky while keeping the landscape exposed properly, with details still visible in the shadow areas is often impossible. This

How to Shoot That Perfect S-Curve

In compositional theory, particular geometric shapes are frequently used by artists to draw the viewer's eye to a particular subject in the picture space. In the history of photography and painting, triangles, circle, arches and curves can be seen in many pictures and you only need to know digi

How to Photograph Crystals

Photographing crystals can be difficult given their reflective properties and the close nature of the work. The key is to have a large amount of available light and to rely as little as possible on short, sharp bursts of light such as a flash. This prevents light from refracting off the crystal's su

A More Technical Glimpse at Wedding Photography

It may sound pretty straightforward but wedding photography is more than just taking pictures at a wedding. The service basically covers three parts: the pre-nuptials, wedding ceremony proper and post-wedding or reception. The pre-nuptials Some ...

Some Food For the Mind - Photography

I am just amazed when people think that if they had a top of the line photo equipment that alone will automatically makes them a better photographer. In my 10 year career a photographer I went through all kinds of cameras be it a top of the line one or a basic SLR and what I came to understand is th

The Effect of Graphite on the Properties of Cast Iron

Cast iron has been used for centuries. Although considered brittle in comparison with other metals, cast iron has been used to make cookware, steam engines and even bridges during the industrial revolution. Since it was first invented in the fourth century in China, this metal alloy has been conside

What Does a Picture Tell You About Culture?

What is a cultural landscape? Many of us have seen photographs in National Geographic magazines but have never really asked ourselves, "What do these photographs reveal about the local culture?"

3 Key Photography Tips in Digital Photography

Digital photography is the newest form of photography. As the name suggests, it entails the use of modern cameras and equipment. Despite the fact that the camera has the capability to read just itself in various lighting conditions as well as focus points, you can get great pictures from an inexpens

The Difference Between Film and Digital Photography

There are many differences between film and digital photography. To most amateur photographers they do not matter much. They prefer the convenience, ease of use and lower cost of digital cameras and are not going ...