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Mental Health : Health & Medical

The Struggle of Endometriosis and Depression

For women with endometriosis the last thing they think they will ever have to deal with is depression. But it is a very real possibility, not only because of the disease and the painful symptoms it ca

Predictors of Bipolar Disorder

Bipolar disorder has frustrated researchers for years. Now, however, it is possible that cures might be close at hand.

How to find a 12-Step Meeting in Southern New Jersey

Alcoholics Anonymous was formed from the Oxford Group, a self-improvement movement that started in the early 20th century. The group's practice of self-inventory, admitting wrongs, making amends, utilizing prayer and meditation and helping others became the basis for the Twelve Steps of Alcoholics A

Overcoming Depression Through Easy To Adopt Methods

Depression and anxiety is a common problem nowadays. It can't be referred as disease; it's a state of mind which can transform itself into serious mental or psychological problems."/

Criteria for Generalized Anxiety

The Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, Fourth Edition (DSM-IV), lists six criteria for generalized anxiety disorder (GAD); among these, the main feature is excessive anxiety and worry. GAD accounts for approximately 12 percent of all anxiety disorders and affects about 3 percent

Imagine Living A Life Devoid Of Fear

Living life without fear can be an enjoyable experience as well as profitable. No one should be afraid of the pleasures and the dreams that surround us.

How to Help a Person With Bipolar Disorder

The National Institute of Mental Health defines bipolar disorder as "extreme, sustained mood swings that range from over-excited, elated moods and irritability -- the manic phase of the disorder -- to depression." Approximately 5.7 million adults in the United States have bipolar disorder, according

How to Smooth Forehead Wrinkles

when the pimple puts added 15 and get the little what together head on top that you can great too I'm packing consists of common and as well as those pack use and pastors will ...

Panic Attack Tips - 7 Tips to Help Stop Your Panic Attacks Today

It's very easy to explain all the different ways you can overcome panic attacks. It is a different thing to actually overcome them yourself. This article will give 10 basic panic attack tips which should help you make you treatment of panic attack more effective and more likely to be long lasti

Natural Stress Relief Techniques

Stress can affect your health.elektrosmog image by Patrizier-Design from Fotolia.comWe all encounter varying degrees of stress in our lives. Stress can affect our health, work performance, social life and our relationship with our family. While we may not be able to completely eliminate...

6 Things You Must Know In Order To Stop Your Performance Anxiety

When you suffer from performance anxiety, you know it by your immediate physical reactions and symptoms which include (but are not limited to) feeling sweaty and faint, fear of losing absolute control, trembling, hyperventilating, shaky ...

Causes of Hypomania

Hypomania is when a person feels restless and on edge, often having extreme feelings of elation. Also known as a manic episode, this occurs during the overexcited stage of a mood disorder. The Greek physician Hippocrates defined depression as mania or melancholia (melancholy). Mania itself is the te

Creative & Therapeutic Art Activities

Creative Arts Therapy is inspirational and fulfilling.mystical art digital art background image by Svetlana Romanova from Fotolia.comCreative Arts Therapy encompasses forms of therapeutic activity that include the Creative Arts such as Drama and Theater, Visual Arts, Music and Writing....

The Healing Power of Your Belief and Behavior

You have the power to keep yourself healthy and strong throughout your life.How we behave and what we believe are key to a long healthy life. Both a healthy mind and healthy body contributes to a healthy long life.So what you do and how you do it matter more than just your genes.

Relaxation techniques from stress

Relaxation techniques are physiological state characterized by a feeling of warmth and quiet mental alertness. This is the opposite of the fight-or-flight reaction. Stress produced many fatal diseases